An increase that benefits all...

Posted 21 days ago by NettaLeVersace

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Evening IMVU Staff... I am writing again to post about an idea I have... It's about the amount of ppl allowed in a room... I know there has got to be others who have requested this... And I am adding my name on that list of people... 

Have you ever seen how people like to flock to another platform but then return to IMVU because they believe it to be better here??? They just complain about the amount of ppl allowed in any given room...

My idea is within a regular chatroom, regardless if its private or public, to slowly expand this from 10 persons to 25 and then extend it to 50...  This would give some who have IMVU family reunions to be able to come together as one and have family functions or for places like a school setting or even for someone to be able to offer virtual services to those who wish to get married on this platform and have the wedding of their dreams... Also, there would be an option to set the limit of kbs that can enter the room...  If the room owner sets the limits of kbs to 3500kbs to enter the room, then all others who have over this amount would not be able to enter... This would lessen the lag in each of the rooms as well as keep ppl from being booted...

Now within the live chatrooms, to have the rooms to allow more than 10 to stand within the room... Maybe increase that number to say 100 people... This could benefit both the basic user who is throwing events as well as the staff who throw different events and invites the IMVU community... Within this, you can give ppl a time between 10 to 30 minutes to an hour before they are sent to the viewer area and the next person could enter... The host would have the ability to set these time limits and even have the power to turn off the time limit option... 

I hope the techs and staff would read through and hopefully take all into consideration... To those who read through the entire message, thank you...

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MistyWinterWolf posted 20 days ago

I think the option to set the limit of kbs that can enter the room is a FANTASTIC idea! 

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