This is a adult site and everyone has the right to do as they wish as long as no harm is done to others..We all want to know when and how AP+ will be implemented..yet not a word has been said by IMVU..the silence is deafening and all we want is an update about it. Anyone who wishes to join it deserves the knowledge first hand from IMVU and not speculations as to costs and its format..surely by now they know and have made a decision and its time to let us come on IMVU let us know.
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about 2 months ago
IMVU are probably not saying anything about it right now because it's still in BETA so many things might change before going fully live, that could includes subscription and items costs - it doesn't really makes no sense to make public statements about feature availability only to rescind them after-the-fact. With that said, anyone that's been brought in to the Beta are informed about expectations ;)
This is a adult site and everyone has the right to do as they wish as long as no harm is done to others..We all want to know when and how AP+ will be implemented..yet not a word has been said by IMVU..the silence is deafening and all we want is an update about it. Anyone who wishes to join it deserves the knowledge first hand from IMVU and not speculations as to costs and its format..surely by now they know and have made a decision and its time to let us come on IMVU let us know.
0 Votes
jazzKat posted about 2 months ago
IMVU are probably not saying anything about it right now because it's still in BETA so many things might change before going fully live, that could includes subscription and items costs - it doesn't really makes no sense to make public statements about feature availability only to rescind them after-the-fact. With that said, anyone that's been brought in to the Beta are informed about expectations ;)
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