Importing a furniture null FBX for animated pose spots imports fine (pose spots are visible), but upon importing any animation file (FBX) the pose spots disappear. Is this an isolated issue or is studio bugged?
My memory could be faulty from yesterday, but the null and pose spots were working as normal after animation import and then it seemed like studio asked to update and now suddenly it breaks. But there's no recent release so I'm not sure what's going on...maybe imvu itself updated idk.
Anyway - Can you recreate my issue? First import the Couples_Furn_Base.fbx, notice the pose spots hovering above the little marker, and then try importing any of the animation files after and see them disappear! Thanks
Yep, just to confirm what @Drosselmeyer said, the skeleton that gets used is whatever comes in with the last imported FBX file. For furniture you'll always want to import the furniture FBX last, OR, (again as Drosselmeyer explained) in the Component panel, set the Skeleton element to use furniture skeleton (whatever IS NOT Female03 thingymajig). That'll reset the project. See here for more
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about 2 months ago
Yeaaah.. If it is the 'Update Asset' that is available from the '...' menu on the selected item in Assets panel (see the image below), that it really only useful for textures and I am not sure it is working properly at the moment. Your best workflow is to just reimport FBX when you want to update animations.
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about 2 months ago
Omgosh, thank you! I see what you're talking about now in inspector. That also will save me time from reimporting items!
While I have you, could I ask one last thing? When I click update asset on 'anim_' appended items, is that meant to update with any new data exported from blender (in my case)? It doesn't seem to update with the file I overwrote in export (yes I know bad habit). Instead, I reimport the animation file each time to get an update. Am I just being impatient or using it wrong? Thanks so much for your time today :)
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about 2 months ago
So glad to hear it is working! FYI, Order is only determining which skeleton is automatically set on import. You should be able to import them in any order and then choose the skeleton you want to use. The choosing of the of the skeleton is not in the FBX import, it is in the Skeleton component panel in Studio. When you select the Skeleton component in the Inspector panel you should be able to to see all of the skeleton (XSF) files that have been imported in the 'Asset' dropdown.
0 Votes
about 2 months ago
Oh my - It was an order of operations thing! Uploading animations after the null fbx overwrote the null's skeleton that's needed for the spots! Uploading the animations FIRST and then the null resolved this issue. Thank you so much for responding. I wasn't able to change the skeleton choice since there was only one from the animation available, so attempted the re-order and it worked! Happy Friday!!
0 Votes
about 2 months ago
Hi S0rted, I think what is happening is that when you import each of the animation FBXs the skeleton in Studio gets replaced by the incoming skeleton. Once you have imported all of your animations you just need to go to the Skeleton Component and choose the skeleton that was imported from the CouplesFurnBase.fbx (RootNode.xsf) from the Asset dropdown.
Importing a furniture null FBX for animated pose spots imports fine (pose spots are visible), but upon importing any animation file (FBX) the pose spots disappear. Is this an isolated issue or is studio bugged?
My memory could be faulty from yesterday, but the null and pose spots were working as normal after animation import and then it seemed like studio asked to update and now suddenly it breaks. But there's no recent release so I'm not sure what's going on...maybe imvu itself updated idk.
Anyway - Can you recreate my issue? First import the Couples_Furn_Base.fbx, notice the pose spots hovering above the little marker, and then try importing any of the animation files after and see them disappear! Thanks
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jazzKat posted about 2 months ago
Yep, just to confirm what @Drosselmeyer said, the skeleton that gets used is whatever comes in with the last imported FBX file. For furniture you'll always want to import the furniture FBX last, OR, (again as Drosselmeyer explained) in the Component panel, set the Skeleton element to use furniture skeleton (whatever IS NOT Female03 thingymajig). That'll reset the project. See here for more
0 Votes
Drosselmeyer posted about 2 months ago Admin
Yeaaah.. If it is the 'Update Asset' that is available from the '...' menu on the selected item in Assets panel (see the image below), that it really only useful for textures and I am not sure it is working properly at the moment. Your best workflow is to just reimport FBX when you want to update animations.
0 Votes
S0rted posted about 2 months ago
Omgosh, thank you! I see what you're talking about now in inspector. That also will save me time from reimporting items!
While I have you, could I ask one last thing? When I click update asset on 'anim_' appended items, is that meant to update with any new data exported from blender (in my case)? It doesn't seem to update with the file I overwrote in export (yes I know bad habit). Instead, I reimport the animation file each time to get an update. Am I just being impatient or using it wrong? Thanks so much for your time today :)
0 Votes
Drosselmeyer posted about 2 months ago Admin
So glad to hear it is working! FYI, Order is only determining which skeleton is automatically set on import. You should be able to import them in any order and then choose the skeleton you want to use. The choosing of the of the skeleton is not in the FBX import, it is in the Skeleton component panel in Studio. When you select the Skeleton component in the Inspector panel you should be able to to see all of the skeleton (XSF) files that have been imported in the 'Asset' dropdown.
0 Votes
S0rted posted about 2 months ago
Oh my - It was an order of operations thing! Uploading animations after the null fbx overwrote the null's skeleton that's needed for the spots! Uploading the animations FIRST and then the null resolved this issue. Thank you so much for responding. I wasn't able to change the skeleton choice since there was only one from the animation available, so attempted the re-order and it worked! Happy Friday!!
0 Votes
Drosselmeyer posted about 2 months ago Admin
Hi S0rted, I think what is happening is that when you import each of the animation FBXs the skeleton in Studio gets replaced by the incoming skeleton. Once you have imported all of your animations you just need to go to the Skeleton Component and choose the skeleton that was imported from the CouplesFurnBase.fbx (RootNode.xsf) from the Asset dropdown.
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