What's the point of banning Black Market Sex poses if that's how you designed this virtual game? You say you care about images being displayed to kids yet promote AP and soon this "AP+" which finally allows sex poses, but too many years too late. There's a reason why SecondLife does much better than you, the reason why I came to IMVU is because it is far simpler, and I'm too lazy to learn something new, but now that you guys finally removed most of the sex poses, I've given myself a new challenge to actually try SL and I wish I did a long time ago. IMVU, please make it make sense before your program gets overrun by Bots and more pedophiles just because your dumbass company can't come up with better ways to defend what they claim to defend and make your customers happy. There ARE ways to do it, but greed must be an addiction.
What's the point of banning Black Market Sex poses if that's how you designed this virtual game? You say you care about images being displayed to kids yet promote AP and soon this "AP+" which finally allows sex poses, but too many years too late. There's a reason why SecondLife does much better than you, the reason why I came to IMVU is because it is far simpler, and I'm too lazy to learn something new, but now that you guys finally removed most of the sex poses, I've given myself a new challenge to actually try SL and I wish I did a long time ago. IMVU, please make it make sense before your program gets overrun by Bots and more pedophiles just because your dumbass company can't come up with better ways to defend what they claim to defend and make your customers happy. There ARE ways to do it, but greed must be an addiction.
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Ashleyellen posted about 1 month ago
Hello, it depends what items that imvu allow ap to be seen . You can check this https://www.imvu.com/next/policyhub/communityguidelines/ https://www.imvu.com/next/policyhub/applus_tos/
Imvu is never allowed black market . That’s why it banned .
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