[Archived - LessXNat] Cómo puedo quitar la retención de mi cuenta?
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[Archived - CatherineRoses] Getting an error when trying to post an announcement (i have posted them before) on the feed? It states "One or more items in the scene are in a state that cannot be posted to the feed. Please try again later."
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[Archived - lljhbbb] Coins and VIP packages do not appear. I am from IOS.
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[Archived - xKrollx] Hello, I bought change name and I still have a guest, what can I do to stop it?
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[Archived - Reims21] How do I claimed gifted Age Vertification?
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[Archived - Cherry90156] i can't verify my age verification token cuz it says its failed?
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[Archived - Devin442132] I want to buy vip but it says I have to cancel the subscription on my account to do it again and I did that but it still says to cancel subscription every time I try to buy vip
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[Archived - Kitzune] When does the message limit end? I haven't been able to send a message to anyone since I started my account. Is there an end date for this limit? The message says to try later but it's been days and I can't send any message.
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[Archived - Chabe5] I bought credits for my friend and they didn't arrive
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[Archived - Luc4pj] Hello imvu, i need to know someting about gifting. I tryed to gift some articles to my friend but i can't, it say that i don't have enough coins but it's wrong. I have enough. Please help me and tell me what's the problem. Thank you.
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