[Archived - RigsK] Opportunity for Creators - Creating NFTs on IMVU

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Posted by “RigsK” on June 22, 2022.


Hi Creators,


We wanted to keep you posted about an exciting new opportunity we’re working on for Creators and our entire IMVU community.


Later this year, we’ll be integrating NFTs into the IMVU Shop. To start we will create and sell a range of IMVU NFTs. After that we will integrate NFT creation directly into IMVU Studio tools so all Creators can have the option to make and sell NFTs in the Shop. Regular IMVU items will of course continue to be promoted and celebrated in the IMVU catalog. Creators can choose to make regular IMVU products, NFTs or both.


Check out the information below and stay tuned for more details on this exciting new feature and the benefits of NFTs in IMVU. You can also get involved by applying to join the IMVU Beta Group - see below for details.


NFTs 101


NFTs are new to many of us, so here is some basic information on what they are and how they work. 


  • What is an NFT?
    • NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) are collectable items with a digital certificate of ownership that is tracked on a blockchain for authenticity. NFTs allow people to verify that they are the official owner of an individual item. The owner of an NFT can keep or sell their NFT, similar to a real-world item when purchased.
  • When will NFTs launch?
    • A few already have! Check out our 2021 Fashion Show NFTs and our collaboration with SHOES 54035 for a few examples of NFTs that are already living in the IMVU world. A broader rollout, including creator tools and NFTs in Shop, as described in this post, are planned in the near future. 
  • What can an NFT be?
    • Since an NFT is the certificate of ownership, nearly anything can be an NFT. On IMVU, you will first be able to create and own NFT clothing, hair, and some accessories; but over time, you’ll be able to also create and own NFT rooms, avatars, animations, furniture and more. 
  • How will NFTs work on IMVU?
    • NFT items will be sold inside of the Shop and can be purchased using VCOIN. Once purchased, they will immediately be displayed in the NFT section of your inventory and shown to other users when they click the NFT icon on your profile badge. NFT buyers also get a gold profile badge and will have the ability to unlock future exclusive features. Unlike regular items, users will be able to resell NFT items they buy, with Creators getting a percentage of proceeds from the re-sale. 
    • NFTs on IMVU will work natively for all users, meaning you don’t have to go through extra steps, such as connecting an external Web 3 wallet.
  • How do IMVU NFTs affect the environment?
    • NFTs on IMVU carry no gas fees - meaning there is no processing fee when you make or verify an NFT transaction. Our NFTs utilize the Immutable X platform, through the purchase of carbon credits. These carbon credits offset the energy footprint to zero for any NFT created or traded utilizing the Immutable X platform. 


Benefits of creating NFTs on IMVU


  • Why should I create an NFT vs. a regular item?
    • NFTs provide new benefits and features to the IMVU community. An NFT comes with the ability for the owner to resell it, as well as exclusive access to a gold profile badge and other upcoming exclusive features. By creating an NFT, you are enhancing the IMVU experience for users while gaining an additional revenue stream from royalties on resells. NFTs also have the potential for increased overall value due to NFT exclusivity or limited runs. 
  • How do NFTs increase my earning potential?
    • In addition to receiving a royalty with the initial sale, the original Creator can also earn royalties every time a user resells the NFT. The NFT has more functionality than a traditional IMVU digital item because it is owned, it can be resold, and it provides the user with exclusive benefits like a gold profile badge. Similar to the broader NFT market outside of IMVU, NFT prices in IMVU could become higher than traditional digital items due to the added ownership and functionality they provide. 
  • Are regular items being replaced by NFTs?
    • Nope! IMVU will continue to support both NFTs and regular items. 
  • How are NFTs different from custom creations on IMVU?
    • Custom items, like other regular items, are not capable of being resold and do not grant access to the exclusive profile badge or other future NFT-based features. 
  • How do NFTs protect against item theft?
    • While there is no way to ensure the asset will not be imitated, an NFT proves that the particular item in question is authentic and owned by a specific user. Additionally, imitations of an NFT will not grant access to the exclusive profile badge or other future utility connected to NFTs. 


What’s next?


Stay tuned for events, contests and more opportunities exclusively for Creators as we work to bring this exciting new feature to our community.


Get involved! Apply for the NFT Beta Group


Interested in being involved in the development of the IMVU NFT experience? Apply to the NFT Beta Group here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BQD26Y5


Get excited about this new opportunity for IMVU Creators! NFTs on IMVU will provide an additional way for Creators to expand their business and creative talents, plus earn through resale.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “hephaisbaal” on August 21, 2023.


it's another way to make grow their own business, they try to make us think they want to broaden our minds , when you see all issues not solved with updates which are nonsense , creations which are longer to come on some stores and be accepted,, i see many things weird why for some creations it takes one day and others 3 or more,, so stop releasing new stuff and moneys too which have put some into jail just to say,, where is the morality in the story and have you limits to fool people even on levels of creators,, you don't even respect your own rules ,,, by reading your own panel not clear at all,,, it reveals just your lack of transparency,, stop playing with us and treat us as lambs


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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Hac” on July 02, 2023.


Yes! i don't even touch IMVU studio because its too confusing now and i already learned the classic creator version. Why cant they also bring these elements over to classic?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on June 05, 2023.


LoL, worth a shot, right?

0 Votes


Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Marilena” on June 03, 2023.


Here is my credits transaction history of the last months. 

As you can see to submit products and buy stuff from creators I spend more than a vip subscription.

So here are some changes you could add to barely accept this vip to cashout:

  • remove the credits tax submission
  • give us ALL the profits
  • remove those useless predits
  • remove dev tokens too 
  • let us use real credits only 
  • remove masa

because life is already unfair as it is... don't male it worse with you stupid decisions. Thank you.

Screenshot 2023-06-03 alle 16.39.30

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Marilena” on June 03, 2023.


Screenshot 2023-06-03 alle 16.39.30Here is my credits transaction history of the last months.

As you can see to submit products and buy stuff from creators I spend more than a vip subscription.

So here are some changes you could add to barely accept this vip to cashout:

  • remove the credits tax submission
  • give us ALL the profits
  • remove those useless predits
  • remove dev tokens too
  • let us use real credits only
  • remove masa

because life is already unfair as it is... don't male it worse with you stupid decisions. Thank you.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on May 31, 2023.


Hi RigsK, Thank you for confirming that one. Since yes, we must hold up equality during the design and making of our features, and the choices and specially chances, we hand to creators. They must be equally easy to participate in. Thank you, now I can hold this up, against the so many complaints I receive, we can shove this one on the correct side. Carry on! ;) hehe

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on May 31, 2023.


@Incorruptus​ Thank you for bringing this up. In general NFT creation will be available internationally. The U.S. limitation applies only to this specific contest. So rest assured people outside the U.S. will be able to create NFTs as long as they meet the eligibility requirements. See details about NFT creation here.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on May 28, 2023.


Dear RigsK, You will need to stop this program right now. I am sorry, but this is not going to happen the way it is happening right now. Please review the feedback given, and specially look inside your soul. Nothing to the whole concept of IMVU Inc, and all it's international members and creators, is reflected from this program, in fact it reflects that IMVU Inc, only loves US creators, hands them head starts, etc... it is...a ridiculous attempt to be able to sell unique items, to sit in only one member's account. Please...stop this right now. I as justice freak...have to urge you and IMVU,..to stop discriminating and excluding creators. Rather yesterday than today. I suggest eat some vitamins, love all creators, and think up something new. Thank you.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on May 28, 2023.


This is a very sad attempt to be able to sell a unique item to only one person, which is the original idea to the foundation of NFT.


Discriminating and separating as well as asocial and excluding. Why? Here is why:


1 NFT is only about clothing related items, or Feed related items.

2 Only usable by US citizens.

3 Only usable with Vcoins.


Guys,...reading all these mails I get... is ridiculous! Specially since I am not even a US citizen, so why send me these? It is irritating me to the max, and it has to stop now.


It is separating once more only the products for avatar related items, and silly rings around avatar images on Next...etc. Which is well. Let me reframe from giving it even more feedback. This excludes room and furniture creators. Than reading that you love your creators...is completely and utterly weird.


And Sure I do believe that, but you are not including all, you are excluding most with this program.


I want any funds that this program needs, only living in the US creators participating in this program. And I do not want any IMVU main funding nor reserves seen pumped into something, that divide us...by nationality, by including only "clothing" creators, than separate us by use of V-Coins or not.


Seriously...I can demand this all, but what will it do now? Well what you should do with this program is make it all inclusive, or not at all. And since it is not all inclusive I want this program to be stalled and stopped immediately.


Specially when you include prize money with this. Is simply ridiculous. To me it is completely insane, and I am very sorry to even have to hand my feedback this way.


I urge you, to quit this whole misery. And stop sending creators outside of the US mail about this, since I am getting about 4 - 6 every week...while it renders completely useless to me. I want it to stop!


Stop irritating me with these NFT mails, and stop the NFT program immediately, specially since it discriminates most creators on your core. We are an International functioning network, even based on contact internationally. Than suiting this program only Nationally is seriously...


I have no good words left for this. I will leave my feedback and complaint with this. And I hope it is neat enough. This program offended me, very much.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Jonathran” on March 23, 2023.


I think you need to fix the troubles you have now with imvu for all of us before you move on to something else that your people will not understand there is be Tons of tickets. Not that you listen to those... So, why even let us talk here you control this. I feel like I pay taxes here I should be heard... Always should be.....

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Jonathran” on March 23, 2023.


I think you're ever so right. They have not fixed the classic way of selling and your moving on to something else that will only bring us down even more. Please really look at what we make per item and the things you ask a creator do now to make things work. (Like photos, Meshes, peer reviews Etc.) don't you think we have enough with that and creating on us now? We can't even control our own credits YOU do and took that away from us now this. I VOTE NO!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “CowBoyDeveloper” on September 16, 2022.


Hello, I do have a question / concern regarding NFTS,


NFTs are good idea. Am just wondering if IMVU is capable/ready to move to that stage so fast?

I am a user of blockchains and cryptos, I know that what define NFTs ownership is the unique address of their crypto wallet. So far I have not heard a case where a famous NFT on the blockchain got stolen and submitted again as duplicate.


If we going to use IMVU's normally (studio) and create an NFT that is based on the blockchain and without crypto wallets/identity that's a serious integration. IMVU's studio still being improved/developed , can it handle this deep and serious integration?


On the other hand...Meshers know how much we suffered from mesh thieves on IMVU in the past years, I don't recall how many DMCA I have created. It got to the part where I got tired doing it.


Assuming NFTs items can be ripped off easily just like any imvu products then it defeat the purpose of NFTs right?


If IMVU is serious about this NFT project and really wants it to succeed then they need to work on a super solid security system.


How sure IMVU about this?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on September 10, 2022.


NEW FAQs about Creating NFT Exclusives on IMVU


In the future, Creators will be able to make NFT Exclusives on IMVU Studio. Take a look at our FAQs here for more details.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on August 09, 2022.


I was hoping IMVU may consider VCOIN/Credits to be automatically converted to earned money. In this manner, everyone could participate in the NFT sales. Many States and Countries do not allow VCOIN Cashins...

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MissMaya” on August 08, 2022.


I have used the Vcoin to Credits option, it is an automatic transaction that puts the credits into your credits balance...and I dont think we have ever been able to change any credits in our credits balance into cash since the reseller program was cancelled... :S

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