Collectively your earnings continue to stay strong, even as some people spend more time in the real world and in-person classrooms. Creator membership and engagement performed especially well in Q4 2021.
Creators were paid $13,700,000 in 2021, which is an all-time record for IMVU. This is 9.5% more than in 2020, another record-breaking year.
In Q4 2021 (October through December), Creators were paid $3,200,000, a 7.6% decrease from the same period last year. This is mostly due to slightly slower sales caused by users spending more time in the real world.
Overall Membership and Engagement were slightly down year over year, due to the same overall trends. However, Q4 2021 actually outperformed the same time period last year.
Compared to 2020, 1.7% fewer new Creators signed up for IMVU in 2021. We consider this a minimal shift. Comparing the fourth quarter, new Creators increased 26.8% year-over-year in 2021.
This year we saw an 8.2% decrease in new Creators making products in their first 30 days. But in Q4 2021, new Creators making products increased 3.1% over the same quarter in 2020.
All Creators making products decreased 4% in 2021, but increased in Q4 year-over-year.
In 2021 we saw an overall decrease of 3.3% in the number of product submissions, but in Q4 the year-over-year number increased 1.3%.
Creator Peer Review Perks
Creators, YOUR OWN PRODUCTS will move through the review process FASTER when you participate in peer review. Plus you'll earn Dev Tokens, which can be used for more perks like reduced product submission costs. Click Here to get started
New Updates: IMVU Studio 1.2.2 Release is here
This release includes several exciting new features, including an in-product t-shirt tutorial for beginners, a dynamic bone list for scalers and particles, and a toggle allowing you to hide avatar labels. Download IMVU Studio HERE. See release notes HERE.
Find NEW updates, tips, and opportunities based on your interest and experience level. Whether you're a brand new Creator, a seasoned Texture Artist, or Mesher, you'll find something to help you along your Creator journey!
Thank you again for being such a vital part of the IMVU experience! If you have thoughts and feedback to share about creating or using IMVU Studio, we welcome you to post in our Creator or IMVU Studio Discussions.
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7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on February 12, 2022.
Thanks for the update :) Very good information here...
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Posted by “RigsK” on February 11, 2022.
[Archived]IMVU Creator Program: 2021 Report
Hi Creators,
Collectively your earnings continue to stay strong, even as some people spend more time in the real world and in-person classrooms. Creator membership and engagement performed especially well in Q4 2021.
Creators were paid $13,700,000 in 2021, which is an all-time record for IMVU. This is 9.5% more than in 2020, another record-breaking year.
In Q4 2021 (October through December), Creators were paid $3,200,000, a 7.6% decrease from the same period last year. This is mostly due to slightly slower sales caused by users spending more time in the real world.
Overall Membership and Engagement were slightly down year over year, due to the same overall trends. However, Q4 2021 actually outperformed the same time period last year.
Compared to 2020, 1.7% fewer new Creators signed up for IMVU in 2021. We consider this a minimal shift. Comparing the fourth quarter, new Creators increased 26.8% year-over-year in 2021.
This year we saw an 8.2% decrease in new Creators making products in their first 30 days. But in Q4 2021, new Creators making products increased 3.1% over the same quarter in 2020.
All Creators making products decreased 4% in 2021, but increased in Q4 year-over-year.
In 2021 we saw an overall decrease of 3.3% in the number of product submissions, but in Q4 the year-over-year number increased 1.3%.
Creator Peer Review Perks
Creators, YOUR OWN PRODUCTS will move through the review process FASTER when you participate in peer review. Plus you'll earn Dev Tokens, which can be used for more perks like reduced product submission costs. Click Here to get started
New Updates: IMVU Studio 1.2.2 Release is here
This release includes several exciting new features, including an in-product t-shirt tutorial for beginners, a dynamic bone list for scalers and particles, and a toggle allowing you to hide avatar labels. Download IMVU Studio HERE. See release notes HERE.
Check out the latest Creator Newsletter
Find NEW updates, tips, and opportunities based on your interest and experience level. Whether you're a brand new Creator, a seasoned Texture Artist, or Mesher, you'll find something to help you along your Creator journey!
Thank you again for being such a vital part of the IMVU experience! If you have thoughts and feedback to share about creating or using IMVU Studio, we welcome you to post in our Creator or IMVU Studio Discussions.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on February 12, 2022.
[Archived]Thanks for the update :) Very good information here...
0 Votes