[Archived - DiamondBones] Am I cheating?

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Community Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on February 26, 2024.


Hi! Sometimes I get lazy and will add a "Add Solid Color Texture" to the products Material slot for Diffuse, return the original texture there, "combine textures" with the previous one I created, reduce the transparency to almost nothing just so I could see the original texture underneath, Save, then open the projects folder to snatch the "new" texture, and play with it in my image editing program, save it, and upload it to the product.

This is useful when creators don't include maps and templates to meshes we really want to derive, but now I'm concerned with a concept I never thought about before... where they purposely didn't want to include it because they don't have permission to let us use it, only themselves.

Also useful when creators don't use imvu's albums for material photos, and will use out of imvu website links and you have to download all the images. I hate that lol

Also useful when I'm really feeling lazy and just don't want to open a bunch of things, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this. Feels ... gray zone lol So I'm trying to avoid this and just use it as a map to trace to make my own, but, is that even allowed?

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 17, 2024.


Since it's not an official tool and not included in any of their Studio tutorials, I don't think it counts as automatically acceptable. Imvu has always been a program that is somewhat... alive, I dare say. Even particles was an accident that was discovered we could do a long time ago, was never intentionally designed I believed. There's a lot of surprises in the program, even discoveries that had to had been fixed to stop doing certain things. So I think it's safe to say that just because it's possible to do, doesn't mean it's automatic consent to do it, so it's worth discussing to see if it's okay.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 17, 2024.


At the time this was written, there was no trick to take textures out of create mode. Everyone either left it as is or relied on visiting the product page to see if the creator left a texture there inviting us to use it... or people used their own rainbow grid textures to create their own maps and textures. So studio is a little different!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on March 02, 2024.


I am Not getting into a Legal Discussion here are it is Not allowed but I can quote from the Creator Agreement. https://www.imvu.com/catalog/creator_agreement.php


When someone sets their product to derivable and you derive it, you should feel comfortable the person you derived from followed the rules! If not, you are not in trouble. It is only the person you derived from...


In good faith, we believe the person you derive from has followed the agreement for Creating!

Read below.


Direct Quote from CPP -



As an IMVU Creator, you are required to act in accordance with United States copyright and trademark law, and other applicable laws. When you submit a virtual product to the IMVU catalog, you are representing to IMVU that you are the original author/creator (or a co-author/creator) of the work and that you have (at minimum) a good faith belief that you are legally authorized to make use of all of the content contained within the product and to grant to IMVU the license rights provided in the Terms. This includes but is not limited to textures, models, animations, text, graphics, likenesses, sounds, etc. Violation of the copyrights (and other rights) of others exposes you to criminal and civil prosecution, with potential liability extending beyond actual damages to include statutory damages and court costs. It is also a violation of the IMVU Internet Web Site Terms of Use (the "Terms").


You should at a minimum make a good-faith effort to:

Verify the content you submit uses non-copyrighted materials (or materials for which "derivation" is permitted on our Site),

and/or Contact the copyright and trademark owner/agent or Creator(s) and get their permission. <End Quote>


Please do not get into more discussion other than reading and understanding the Creator Agreement we *all* had to "sign" (electronically) when we became a Creator.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 02, 2024.


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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on March 02, 2024.


Back in the day, we used to trade black-lists and the reasons for each entry... LOL

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “bouquet” on March 01, 2024.


I think taking the image down is most probably not the good way but whatever you can do inside Studio is allowed since it is there for you to do it :)

I love the fact that I can play with colors in Studio and make variations or use a new diffuse (solid color) and play with the opacity. You need that for white color base textures and still have the details on the newly created texture. Studio made it so easy to derive. Thanks IMVU!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on February 29, 2024.


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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on February 29, 2024.


I think that is the question of the day. A friend of mine makes their own private "black-list" of creators Not to derive as time goes by... :/

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on February 28, 2024.


You're right @LestatDeLioncourt but how would I know if I'm deriving from that kind of creator if I'm using this short cut to avoid visiting their product pages to get their texture maps? I've noticed that opening so many things tends to disturb the smoothness of my computers, especially with creating I tend to open so many to find something I could work with.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on February 27, 2024.


Regarding "they've explained to me that they were not allowed to share the textures because their friend who made it for them did not grant them permission to distribute it"...


I would stay away from these creators. They do not understand the system. Once "their friend" doesn't like them anymore.. who knows what will happen to the whole derive chain? I know we can't get into Legal Discussions. I also know I can't advise about DMCAs, etc. So all I can say is ... Move on to a creator who had full rights to the products they are publically selling... LOL Keep your catalog in the Sun and away from gray-shaded areas!


Best to Enjoy Life, no worries!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on February 27, 2024.


Hey @LestatDeLioncourt​ Zero Change Derives don't edit the images by hand. Studio allows some editing, but not as precise as painting in an image editing program. I've asked a mesher for maps to their items before, like the texture it came with, thinking they just forgot to upload it to the product page... so I could understand how to paint my own when deriving theirs, and they've explained to me that they were not allowed to share the textures because their friend who made it for them did not grant them permission to distribute it, so anyone who wanted to derive the product was on their own in figuring it out. Personally, I don't think items like that should be allowed in shop as publicly derivable, but what can ya do, eh? lol There's apparently many personal products in the shop as public that really shouldn't be, which isn't fair on customers or the first impression of the site. I'm starting to feel more and more that platinum should be for personal creating, and diamond should be for public.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on February 26, 2024.


Hi @DiamondBones​ Considering the Zero Change Derives are allowed, I would say this is also allowed, lol. I would check the Classic Client to see how these products appear. There may be hidden repercussions to your technique :/ IDK but worth a double check...

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