I'm getting really frustrating issue with particle system, as it's taking over a mesh material, when someone trying to derive from perfectly working product.
this is how product looks when submitted: simple mesh with 3 textures and added particle system
and this is how it looks when anyone derive from it... particle taking over one texture, replacing it and particle texture used instead on mesh material and also on a particle system.. when changing one - showing up on both. any possible attempts to fix the product - failed. unable to remove, reupload mesh, changing xrf assets, adding materials... nothing works...
somehow I was able to clean up product completely, by removing one material, saving, closing and reopening it again to remove next. few tries and it worked. recreated whole thing and same issue when trying to derive from it.. over and over...
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7 months ago
Posted by “MightySe7en” on December 12, 2023.
I thought that was working earlier but after more testing, it looks like that also didnt work for me. I will update you here if a solution is found
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7 months ago
Posted by “BadCharm” on December 12, 2023.
thanks for the idea, will definitely try to play with changing ID's around
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7 months ago
Posted by “MightySe7en” on December 11, 2023.
Hi @BadCharm , We are looking into the problem. Through my testing, it seems it has to do with the particle system being ID 1000 overriding ID 1. For now, I would use material IDs above 1 but hopefully we can figure out the issue and resolve the problem soon.
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Posted by “BadCharm” on December 10, 2023.
[Archived]I'm getting really frustrating issue with particle system, as it's taking over a mesh material, when someone trying to derive from perfectly working product.
this is how product looks when submitted: simple mesh with 3 textures and added particle system
somehow I was able to clean up product completely, by removing one material, saving, closing and reopening it again to remove next. few tries and it worked. recreated whole thing and same issue when trying to derive from it.. over and over...
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MightySe7en” on December 12, 2023.
[Archived]I thought that was working earlier but after more testing, it looks like that also didnt work for me. I will update you here if a solution is found
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “BadCharm” on December 12, 2023.
[Archived]thanks for the idea, will definitely try to play with changing ID's around
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MightySe7en” on December 11, 2023.
[Archived]Hi @BadCharm , We are looking into the problem. Through my testing, it seems it has to do with the particle system being ID 1000 overriding ID 1. For now, I would use material IDs above 1 but hopefully we can figure out the issue and resolve the problem soon.
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