I need some method to forcibly override any animation that is playing, or might play, while the animation I want to play is in effect. Here's an example:
In order to have the avie animation, I use an empty clothing item as the base. This gives me access to the avie's skeleton. I want the avatar to hold a gardening hoe. I have a "blink" animation that keeps their grip on it, and hold it up in the correct position somebody would naturally hold a hoe.
... Then i try to play a Using Hoe animation... and the blink will not stop firing off...
I need the hoe to be held correctly, or the avatar will impale themselves with it during their idle animation. But I also want to override the animation to play the action gardening action. I need to force the avie to play the animation, all the way through, before relinquishing the avie back to it's "blink" and basic animations.
Thanks for the explanation @MaxSMoke777. We are getting close to what I think is a deep dive into overhauling the animation system. This is good info.
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7 months ago
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on November 09, 2023.
That could work for many situations. Clothing-based items have needed their own Idle's for ages. It's something I've suggested many times over the last decade.
But what I'm asking for is a bit different. What I'd like to see is a blanket "Force Play", something that will give priority to the animation you're currently trying to play over ALL OTHERS, for the length of the command.
IMVU is usually an interplay between Idle animations and commands. But on more then a few occasions, I've personally needed one animation to force it's way over others. I can do this most of the time with attachments, as they have their own skeletons, but even then it's still dicey. Sometimes the idle animations don't want to play-ball with the commands.
For instance, Morph animations still trying to smoothly add in the morphs from the Idle animation, so characters will have their eyes half open, instead of blinking, just because there was a full-open playing in the Idle. (I was under the impression that the "Weight" of the morph might change that, but it really has little effect)
Another example is when you want an object to loop at the end of it's animation, stopping idle completely. But then you want another command to loop at the end of it's, overwriting the first and the idle. Whatever command called the Force Play last becomes the absolute master.
A blanket "Force Play" checkbox would be like a hammer for those uncooperative animations, let them know who's boss.
(But I would like a clothing stance.Idle too! That has always been on my Wish List for IMVU)
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7 months ago
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on November 08, 2023.
Hey @MaxSMoke777, It sounds like what you need is a clothing stance.Idle that will override the avatar idle, but will allow other animations to play and once they end, return to the stance.Idle. Have I got that right?
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Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on November 07, 2023.
[Archived]I need some method to forcibly override any animation that is playing, or might play, while the animation I want to play is in effect. Here's an example:
In order to have the avie animation, I use an empty clothing item as the base. This gives me access to the avie's skeleton. I want the avatar to hold a gardening hoe. I have a "blink" animation that keeps their grip on it, and hold it up in the correct position somebody would naturally hold a hoe.
... Then i try to play a Using Hoe animation... and the blink will not stop firing off...
I need the hoe to be held correctly, or the avatar will impale themselves with it during their idle animation. But I also want to override the animation to play the action gardening action. I need to force the avie to play the animation, all the way through, before relinquishing the avie back to it's "blink" and basic animations.
(And no, this is not a double entendre, I literally made a Gardening Hoe https://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=65538617)
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on November 09, 2023.
[Archived]Thanks for the explanation @MaxSMoke777. We are getting close to what I think is a deep dive into overhauling the animation system. This is good info.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on November 09, 2023.
[Archived]That could work for many situations. Clothing-based items have needed their own Idle's for ages. It's something I've suggested many times over the last decade.
But what I'm asking for is a bit different. What I'd like to see is a blanket "Force Play", something that will give priority to the animation you're currently trying to play over ALL OTHERS, for the length of the command.
IMVU is usually an interplay between Idle animations and commands. But on more then a few occasions, I've personally needed one animation to force it's way over others. I can do this most of the time with attachments, as they have their own skeletons, but even then it's still dicey. Sometimes the idle animations don't want to play-ball with the commands.
For instance, Morph animations still trying to smoothly add in the morphs from the Idle animation, so characters will have their eyes half open, instead of blinking, just because there was a full-open playing in the Idle. (I was under the impression that the "Weight" of the morph might change that, but it really has little effect)
Another example is when you want an object to loop at the end of it's animation, stopping idle completely. But then you want another command to loop at the end of it's, overwriting the first and the idle. Whatever command called the Force Play last becomes the absolute master.
A blanket "Force Play" checkbox would be like a hammer for those uncooperative animations, let them know who's boss.
(But I would like a clothing stance.Idle too! That has always been on my Wish List for IMVU)
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on November 08, 2023.
[Archived]Hey @MaxSMoke777, It sounds like what you need is a clothing stance.Idle that will override the avatar idle, but will allow other animations to play and once they end, return to the stance.Idle. Have I got that right?
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