The latest IMVU Studio Update is now available and brings about some new features, improvements and many bug fixes!
Specify a Default Look
We have added the ability to choose which avatar Look will be loaded when you create a new draft project. In Preferences, select from 3 default settings:
Base Avatar - product 80 or 191 (base male or female avatar)
Current Look - the current Look you are currently wearing in IMVU Desktop
Saved Look - a specific saved Look you have selected from Inventory. To specify a saved Look, go to your Inventory Panel in Studio and select “Save as Default” on any Look
Also, any changes made to your look in a specific draft project will be retained when you come back to that project (just like default room backgrounds).
Transparency Priority Panel
In Studio, IMVU Desktop, Web and Mobile, transparent materials are automatically drawn furthest from the camera to closest. In Classic they are strictly ordered based on the material ID. To help give Creators more control and ensure compatibility, you can now easily specify an order to your transparent materials directly from the Material Component.
Lower numbers will render in FRONT of higher numbers
Other Improvements
Material preview pop-ups should now show full texture names
Updated "Default Room" and "Default Look" labels in the preferences tab to identify how you change them
Increased maximum Priority from 99 to 100,000
Bug Fixes
Studio should no longer react to clicks on disabled context menu items
AP Rating badge should now display correctly on draft products when the rating is changed
Inactive Northstar scenes should now be paused when not in view
Long outfit names should no longer clip into the "..." context menu
All menu dropdowns to the right of the hamburger menu should display over any pop-ups present
Error text should no longer display when hovering over the product name in the Info Panel
Color Slot ID input field should now revert to the previous valid value if input field has an error and is no longer in focus
Resolved another issue where actors were not being re-seated properly on preview after making a change to a furniture product
Replacing furniture in the scene when multiple actors are present should no longer show avatar labels if the toggle switch is off.
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Posted by “Saturi” on October 26, 2023.
[Archived]The latest IMVU Studio Update is now available and brings about some new features, improvements and many bug fixes!
Specify a Default Look
We have added the ability to choose which avatar Look will be loaded when you create a new draft project. In Preferences, select from 3 default settings:
Transparency Priority Panel
In Studio, IMVU Desktop, Web and Mobile, transparent materials are automatically drawn furthest from the camera to closest. In Classic they are strictly ordered based on the material ID. To help give Creators more control and ensure compatibility, you can now easily specify an order to your transparent materials directly from the Material Component.
Other Improvements
Bug Fixes
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