[Archived - Lexique] Male mannequins in the next thumbs marking products as male in classic?

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Posted by “Lexique” on September 23, 2023.


Hi, not long ago it seems that the catalog changed so that accessories showed up more universally. And so since then I also have been more mindful of labeling things as "unisex" (as appropriate of course) rather than male or female. I know male avis can use my accessories marked as female, at least as much as I know. But, I'm not sure the reverse is true. I created a product - I derived it from a unisex accessory that was derived from the empty female accessary. And because I labeled my product as unisex, I have the option of both male and female mannequins in the next thumb. So for this product it seemed more on the manly side (though it IS unisex) - so I decided to use a male mannequin. These days I always test everything for classic compatibility - not something I was good to do at the beginning. Anyway my avi refused to wear it. I got an error message saying my avi couldn't wear it. Soooo I went back and changed the thumb to a female and lo and behold my avi decided it was ok after all. Is it the case that the m/f thumb designator is the same storage space as the m/f designator in classic for avi items? or did I just do something wrong?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on September 26, 2023.


Hi @Lexique​, As I understand it, you "should" be able to derive from either the Empty Male Accessory (56919490) or Empty Female Accessory (56816049) and set the compatibility to anything you want and the product should show up in the Male and Female categories in both Classic and Next shops and be able to be worn by either gender in both Classic Client and Next Apps. These types of products are technically "Attachments" products and are by design able to be worn by either gender. I have written up an improvement to allow creators to require the gender compatibility be enforced, but not sure how long this might take.

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