Change the entire color palate of your room using the same tech that professional video editors use! Using what is called a LUT (LookUp Texture) texture map that you define, you can change the entire mood of your room or derivation. Follow this step by step example to create your own LUT for your room!
You can find this feature in the Environment component of IMVU Studio. Use this panel to upload and test out your new LUT.
Press “+” to add a color gradient slot. The new slot will contain the “identity” LUT. Keep this one as it is if you want to go back to a normal color space.
Within the second slot, press “+” to upload your newly created LUT. Don’t forget to press PREVIEW
Now you can press the play button on either slot to go back and forth between the two color spaces!
How To Make A Custom LUT
First, download the IMVU identity LUT from the download icon at the top right of the “COLOR GRADING” section:
Let’s say I want to have a night time looking scene. As a Creator, I would:
Take a snapshot of my current scene to use as a reference. Make sure it contains a good representation of all the possible colors in the room:
Make color adjustments to this reference using your favorite image editing software until it looks the way you want:
Now, apply the same settings you made to your snapshot to the identity LUT and SAVE it as a new file. It MUST be a png
Upload the new LUT into IMVU Studio and your room will take on those color values!
Trigger Colorization with Actions!
You can also create an action that will trigger the activation of a LUT! Go into the action panel, create a new ensemble, and you will notice there is a new color grading section. Select a slot and the time in frames you want the transition to take place!
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Posted by “TauntaunTonic” on July 15, 2023.
[Archived]Full release notes here
NEW FEATURE - Full Screen Colorization
Change the entire color palate of your room using the same tech that professional video editors use! Using what is called a LUT (LookUp Texture) texture map that you define, you can change the entire mood of your room or derivation. Follow this step by step example to create your own LUT for your room!
You can find this feature in the Environment component of IMVU Studio. Use this panel to upload and test out your new LUT.
How To Make A Custom LUT
First, download the IMVU identity LUT from the download icon at the top right of the “COLOR GRADING” section:
Trigger Colorization with Actions!
You can also create an action that will trigger the activation of a LUT! Go into the action panel, create a new ensemble, and you will notice there is a new color grading section. Select a slot and the time in frames you want the transition to take place!
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