[Archived - Lexique] Problem with studio mixing up meshes and textures and can't change them back.

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Community Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 09, 2023.


I don't know if I should write here or in bugs and issues. Anyway, I've had an inconsistent but ongoing problem and I never quite seem to remember to create a report inside studio when it happens.


The problems seem to happen when I am using meshes that are similar, and/or textures that are similar. Like, some piece of data is being stored in a place where it is not held locally and as a result can affect other projects - that may or may not be open at the same time.


  1. There are times when I constantly update the same texture until I get it right. I do this a lot. And I don't have problems that that often. But every once in a while - it seems totally random - I cannot get the texture to update. Sometimes it will show the updated version in the texture picker pop up box, and sometimes also in the assets, but not in the texture inspector. Sometimes it seems to show there - I can't be clear on this now - but still, nothing changes on the actual texture being used. Once this starts happening with a texture, there is no way to get out of it. The only thing I can do is continually rename it. It does NOT help to restart the project, nor to restart studio, nor to reboot. I can either delete the project and start over, or just keep renaming the asset as I update it. I did submit a ticket when this happened for multiple particle systems, but I've since had it happen with regular diffuse textures.
  2. Sometimes, a completely different texture is randomly added - a texture that I'd used in a different derivation in a different mesh. And I CANNOT get the texture to change, not for love nor money (maybe I don't have enough of either lol), nor restarts nor reboots. I just have to delete the project and start over.
  3. And sometimes it seems the meshes themselves conflict. And I know likely this has to do with the fact that the meshes are very similar, and in fact one of them has been built from the other. But when these things happen, it's not just happening in some cache or local memory that is wiped out when I close things up. It permanently changes the project. You're likely wondering why I keep saving it like this, but it seems that it happened while the project was closed or closing, at a point when I thought it was perfectly sound and ok. But when I open it up again, it's gone bonkers.
  4. My most recent problem is one where I had a mesh installed no problem and all seemed well and I'd saved it. Then when I got back into it, the mesh was - gone. The standing nodes were still there (room mesh), but that's it. This was a product that I'd already submitted, and it was working fine when I used the room in both classic client and on the ipad app. So the item was in the "Submitted items" area in studio. I hadn't published it yet. So it was not a local project anymore. I was not reopening a local project. I was reopening the submitted project. But it would no longer open correctly, no matter how many times I restarted and rebooted.
    1. So even though I was deriving from a mesh that I'd derived earlier, I decided to reimport the mesh directly into this project. At this point I had walls again, but it was uneditable, with a texture I'd never used on this project. And the settings appearing on the mesh were not according to the settings set on the Texture Inspector tab. Mainly, self-illuminate should have been on, but it was not acting like it was on.
    2. I decided to pull it into classic create. It loaded there no problem. I changed the ambient lighting parameters and the texture, just trying to refresh the project. And resubmitted. When I opened Studio, the thumb of the product had already changed to show the texture I'd added in classic create. And when I opened the project, it acted like nothing had ever happened and that I was making it all up. I submitted and published and, no problem. I think it's a Studio daemon.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 22, 2023.


One thing I have done recently is that I turned off auto update of assets. I wasn't sure what it was doing but it would say it was automatically updating an asset that had no reason to be automatically updated. I just didn't understand what was going on and why and I didn't want to take the chance of it doing some random thing. I don't have enough data to assume that helped me.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 22, 2023.


Hello @MightySe7en​ , That's great news! My ID is 267413175.


Regarding the time. I cannot be exact. I know, however, I wrote within a day or less of the last problem I described in my post, which I posted on June 9. I had a lot of trouble in general in the days before that. So maybe even June 5 to 9. But might have been as early as May 26. I submitted an error report through studio regarding the problem of three particle systems and the file name having to be changed every time I made an update. I don't know when I submitted that report. That was likely between 5/12 and 5/25.


As an aside, is there any way we can get an email confirmation of our error reports? We submit and have no proof of submission or if they have even been received, other than one popup saying so. (unless they are recorded in a place I don't know about).


That was the first real problem I encountered that I wrote about up above. I have never had trouble with the diffuse texture updates causing problems until later. So what I was doing was trying textures out on a mesh. If I didn't think it was the right mesh for the texture, I opened up another mesh (i.e., derived from it). I was likely using the same texture in multiple open projects from meshes that were different but named the same in Blender, because they were in fact the same mesh but with the UV maps mapped differently. I have since learned to not be so sloppy when I reuse a mesh - to in fact name it differently to fit the exact new product imvu name. But I hadn't done it then because I assumed that if I could open four different projects in Studio that they would be isolated from each other.


Another problem I had had earlier - sometimes when I open up a published product - an accessory - a background cube - And I have open a new product that is either from the same derivable product or is different but with the same mesh name, I am now in fact "wearing" the accessory, and it appears in the the other open product. So then I'm wearing two cubes. But it can permanently affect the local project because then it still retains some characteristics of the already published cube. However, I haven't had this problem for a while. I believe that the problems I had recently were with room products.


I did have a problem 5/12-5/25 of using a faulty room mesh that had no material slots. As a result, there were some places such as the next web shop and the classic shop that thought these rooms were in fact heads. The problem was that it seems certain areas of IMVU assume a minimum of two materials for a room. Anyway, I de-commissioned these products. I don't think that the issues I was having above were related or connected to these products other than the multiple particle naming issue.


I've written a whole lot of nothing, sorry. Wish I could be more specific.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on June 22, 2023.


@Lexique​ ,

It looks like we are able to get logs from your account. If you know exactly when this error occurred, we can get info on our side. The more exact the better. Also if you know your Customer ID, that would be beneficial as well (In studio, under File>Preferences)

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 21, 2023.


Hello @MightySe7en​ - Thanks for your response. Hm, I had just assumed my problem was too many meshes named the same thing. Ok, I will see if I can recreate the error in a way that I can document. Please have patience in case it never happens again! I do know that it has often happened after I have been working with a number of different (but named the same thing) meshes in the same session. But please wait on that and I'll let you know when I've been able to recreate it.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on June 21, 2023.


Hi @Lexique​ ,

We have been trying to figure out the issue here and recreate it. Do you have any specific steps to recreate the issue or files we could test with?

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 10, 2023.


What I'm really hungry for, @MightySe7en​ , is a button that clears all caches (obviously not able to work when projects are open). I know that likely the team is hoping that the program will automatically do that in the future. But reality is that when is there ever a perfectly adhered-to naming convention and clearing of temporary data storages? Of course I'm shooting in the dark here but I just often get the feeling that a cache has not been correctly cleared.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 09, 2023.


Thank you for that. I assume that I can still use the ones that I've already imported and used to create other products as long as I'm careful not to use them in the same session? However going forward, I will definitely put this "best practice" into effect - I just never thought about the need to do so, but now I wonder why I didn't.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on June 09, 2023.


I hope that in the future, mesh naming is not an issue since they are in their own unique projects, but hopefully that at least solves the issue for now. And if anything, is good practice haha

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 09, 2023.


Thank you, @MightySe7en​ for your amazingly fast response as always. Regarding the name of the meshes, the fbx is named differently, but the mesh object is the same name. And likewise I sometimes reuse names for material slots. So I will make sure that I give mesh objects unique names. I haven't been too careful about what sort of actual material (shading), if any, is associated with the meshes, since I actively set those in studio. I assume this isn't causing any problems, but I can see that then the default texture will always have the same name.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on June 09, 2023.


Hi @Lexique​ ,

That doesn't sound fun at all. Ill bring this up to the team so we can figure out what it going on here and update you hopefully shortly with some solution. I think my best solution in the short term, would be to make sure meshes and textures across projects always have different names. I wonder if this is caused by studio seeing 2 meshes with the same name and getting confused.

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