[Archived - Lexique] Local Vs World Particles, and specifically wondering about Gravity Point

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Posted by “Lexique” on April 13, 2023.


Hi, sorry for so many noob questions. I was trying to create a new particle system on a new product. And I was having trouble with the gravity and finally realized that I had it still in world space, so I changed it to local and now the axis is the same as that for Direction (which is z on the vertical axis).


That is, if I'm using it for gravity > direction. But if I'm using gravity > point, it is clearly still using world axes, which is y on the vertical.


In fact I cannot figure out the position numbers at all, it seems to be a calculated thing. If it were absolute, it seems that 0,0,0 would be at the root. But instead it's somewhere out in space.


Screenshot 2023-04-13 153853Here, through trial and error, I did get the point to move closer to my avi, but I don't understand the position numbers. Thanks in advance if anyone can help me understand what I'm missing.


Screenshot 2023-04-13 154327 


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