[Archived - MaxSMoke777]

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Community Admin

Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on March 10, 2023.


We need a Body Channel Idle trigger!


It's a simple problem:

Your item uses the player's skeleton instead of it's own. The only "Idle" we have access to is "Blink". This plays every few seconds, so it's FAR too fast for most idle animation sequences. We need a body channel idle trigger that only plays once, so we can use the same idle animations we would use for any skeletal attachment.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on March 14, 2023.


Thanks for the details. Yes, this would be a huge improvement. I am writing it up. By "Avatar" product I mean as opposed to a clothing/body part product. I can conceive of a use case where you would want a morph animation to play on 'stance.Idle'. Not sure if this works though. I will have to try it out.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on March 11, 2023.


Um, well, yah, I did say it uses the skeleton of the player, so definitely an "Avatar" product... Maybe I'm confused as to what you mean.


When you attach to the player's body, the object is it's own entity. You can use Idle.Stance, or one of those other idle commands, and have it take on a life of it's own.


This isn't true through when it's part of the player's body channels, like a chest-replacing shirt, or new hair. Anything that uses the player's body is part of the player's Idle animations and uses their skeleton. It's not attached, it's technically replacing that part of the player's body. Even if it's replacing an unused body part channel, like 356 or 69, it's still part of their core body. Therefor it's stuck using the player's Idle animations and we, the developers, have no access to any start-up, default, idle-type animations.


We can use "blink" to play it's animations when the player blinks, but that happens up to once a second, so that's no good for longer animations. There is no other automatic trigger we can call on to get our creations moving.


Also using the "blink" trigger can cause blink to stop working, which can be very distracting when the player go all "Dead Eyed" just because they added a new item to their body.


So what we need is a new trigger, I think the programmers think of them as "hooks", so we can trigger an Action when the object is first applied to the player's body, on outfit changes or loading into a room. Something like the "blink", but it's called only once on load.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on March 10, 2023.


I think I have run across this use case, but please refresh my memory and elaborate. Would this be for an avatar product?

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