Created poses with Studio end up distorted when submitted to shop.
Certain body parts change location (example - fingers positioned on thigh end up inside thigh).
Is this a known issue?
Is there a known fix / way to avoid this bug?
What can be done now when the product has been submitted to shop but is broken?
Why is there no way to edit a Studio project in Classic (to check how it works in the Classic client BEFORE submission)?
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7 months ago
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on January 25, 2023.
Hi @brrrrrrrrrrrr, We are doing work on animation workflow and trying to improve the process. Getting an understanding of what is not working would be very helpful. Can we start a dialog via email? You can reach out to [email protected]. Some specifics we would be interested in knowing are:
What version of what 3d modeling/animation tool are you using? Windows or Mac?
Do you use Cal3d to do your exports or FBX?
Are there IMVU supplied starter files you have been using?
A description of your workflow.
A description of each of the issues you have run into.
Thanks, ~Drosselmeyer
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “brrrrrrrrrrrr” on January 24, 2023.
@Drosselmeyer Of course there shouldn't be a difference but there is and has been for a long time...
There are many more issues with poses created on Studio...
I quit making them for a year hoping for a fix - thought the toolkit somehow fixed it but nope.
What do I do now? I'm making double poses - a set for classic and a set for mobile (blind) but it seems if this specific problem will be fixed they will get broken later.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on January 24, 2023.
Hi @brrrrrrrrrrrr, There should not be differences in how poses are displayed. I will look into it.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “brrrrrrrrrrrr” on January 22, 2023.
Sure - PID 62303113
With customer support I was able to make an attempt at fixing the poses but the conclusion is that the poses will be distorted no matter what...
There is a major difference of how the poses are displayed in Classic VS Mobile VS Studio.
This product was made to fit specific meshes and be used in both Classic & Mobile... Send over the Studio team to make it happen lol it's about time to step up vu's game and allow us to create better products, am I wrong?
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 21, 2023.
I know the Studio Team would probably be interested in looking at the issue before any changes. They are the best.
I also know when they can, they jump in here. Do you have a PID for them to look at? :)
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “brrrrrrrrrrrr” on January 20, 2023.
@LestatDeLioncourt - it is not the items I'm wearing, it is definitely Studio.
Whatever the issue is it's causing the poses to be displayed differently in Studio - the final product is different from what you see. You'd think that would cause the item to look ok in mobile or Next but it doesn't.
Do you have a suggestion regarding what to do now with the faulty product?
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 20, 2023.
Hi @brrrrrrrrrrrr I have had this. It turned out it was the hands I was wearing in Client. Did you try different outfits? Just a thought.
You can make things to test in the Classic Create Mode if you like. You can also open Studio made products in the Create Mode to test. I wouldnt save them if they were made in Studio, something will become broken.
Also, If you make something in Create Mode then save as a .CHKN File, that file can be directly imported into Studio.
Click "File" then click "New from CHKN". to import.
Hope something here helps...
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Posted by “brrrrrrrrrrrr” on January 20, 2023.
[Archived]Poses distorted upon submission
Created poses with Studio end up distorted when submitted to shop.
Certain body parts change location (example - fingers positioned on thigh end up inside thigh).
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on January 25, 2023.
[Archived]Hi @brrrrrrrrrrrr, We are doing work on animation workflow and trying to improve the process. Getting an understanding of what is not working would be very helpful. Can we start a dialog via email? You can reach out to [email protected]. Some specifics we would be interested in knowing are:
Thanks, ~Drosselmeyer
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “brrrrrrrrrrrr” on January 24, 2023.
[Archived]@Drosselmeyer Of course there shouldn't be a difference but there is and has been for a long time...
There are many more issues with poses created on Studio...
I quit making them for a year hoping for a fix - thought the toolkit somehow fixed it but nope.
What do I do now? I'm making double poses - a set for classic and a set for mobile (blind) but it seems if this specific problem will be fixed they will get broken later.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on January 24, 2023.
[Archived]Hi @brrrrrrrrrrrr, There should not be differences in how poses are displayed. I will look into it.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “brrrrrrrrrrrr” on January 22, 2023.
[Archived]Sure - PID 62303113
With customer support I was able to make an attempt at fixing the poses but the conclusion is that the poses will be distorted no matter what...
There is a major difference of how the poses are displayed in Classic VS Mobile VS Studio.
This product was made to fit specific meshes and be used in both Classic & Mobile... Send over the Studio team to make it happen lol it's about time to step up vu's game and allow us to create better products, am I wrong?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 21, 2023.
[Archived]I know the Studio Team would probably be interested in looking at the issue before any changes. They are the best.
I also know when they can, they jump in here. Do you have a PID for them to look at? :)
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “brrrrrrrrrrrr” on January 20, 2023.
[Archived]@LestatDeLioncourt - it is not the items I'm wearing, it is definitely Studio.
Whatever the issue is it's causing the poses to be displayed differently in Studio - the final product is different from what you see. You'd think that would cause the item to look ok in mobile or Next but it doesn't.
Do you have a suggestion regarding what to do now with the faulty product?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 20, 2023.
[Archived]Hi @brrrrrrrrrrrr I have had this. It turned out it was the hands I was wearing in Client. Did you try different outfits? Just a thought.
You can make things to test in the Classic Create Mode if you like. You can also open Studio made products in the Create Mode to test. I wouldnt save them if they were made in Studio, something will become broken.
Also, If you make something in Create Mode then save as a .CHKN File, that file can be directly imported into Studio.
Click "File" then click "New from CHKN". to import.
Hope something here helps...
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