[Archived - TheForsakenDead] Why does the skin layer only kind of want to work in Studio?

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Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on October 28, 2022.


When I go to edit a pair of shoes in studio, where the skin layer has been repurposed to be socks, that layer completely disappears/acts more like a skin composition layer. HOWEVER in every other portion of studio [from the thumb of the item, to wearing the item while editing DIFFERENT items] the socks show up no problem.


I wanted to add a studio style shine to the shoes in question - but when I go to edit them the sock layer just acts like a regular skin layer like it was suppose to before I edited it. Normally, I'd write this off to how NEXT and MOBILE and Desktop all function differently from Classic and chalk it up as a sad loss EXCEPT For the fact that this literally ONLY happens when I open the product to edit it. All other forms [inventory view, thumbnail on the home screen, while product is in use, etc] of use in Studio and Next and even Mobile this does not occur.


While editing something else:

Not Editing the shoes.Home Screen where Products I've made are shown:


Thumbnails of products with non-important products pixelized. 

But when editing:


Editing screen of studio with floating male avatar, the missing socks are circled while the thumbnail showing the socks is pointed to with a green arrow. 

Seen here, the thumbnail still shows the socks properly, but while editing the socks are completely gone.

And if I "Change thumbnail" the socks have now vanished:

Shot of thumnails generated by studio lacking socks 

And if it helps here are the settings for this layer - I have attempted to turn "Skin composite" on just to see if it would change but it doesn't.



And just to fully clarify in case it's not clear: This is the Skin Composite layer that was edited with a colorful skin to make it into a sock layer. This works fine in classic editor mode and so long as the shoes are not the item being edited, the socks appear perfectly fine, it is only when the shoes themselves are put into the editor that they disappear.


If anyone can help let me know if you need more screenshots or information, and the mesh in question is here if you'd like to test the mesh yourself to see if it is something you can sort out by playing with the actual mesh: https://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=57146764

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on November 25, 2022.


Awesome! Still having the error so far with the most recent update [IMVU Studio 1.14.3 Windows] - BUT! Everything else I wish to do in studio is working perfectly so no complaints outside of this weird error lol

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on November 01, 2022.


@TheForsakenDead​ Thanks for the updates. We have some changes coming the should facilitate solving this.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on October 31, 2022.


Adding: submitted it just to check, the new slot disappears after being submitted when opening it again in edit mode.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on October 31, 2022.


@Drosselmeyer​ So I poked around at the original mesh and noticed it doesn't even HAVE a "Slot 7" - so I added it and then set it to the "male01.anime01.nakedSkin" asset drop down and replaced it with my "Sock" texture and now it works.


Idk how long it'll work but enough for me to look at it, so I thought I would share this information just in case it's helpful or related, but I found to do this in the shoes I made, I actively have to delete #7 and replace it to get this to work and I am unsure how well this will hold over, and I am hesitant to submit it for fear of breaking the product - but I thought it might help the team to check into why it's there until editing the item, and that slot doesn't exist in the mesh when editing, BUT it does exist in Classic where it can be edited + the problem of it totally showing except when being edited.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on October 29, 2022.


@Drosselmeyer​ re: re: #1. Looks like I'm running this one: IMVU Studio 1.13.6 Windows

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on October 29, 2022.


@TheForsakenDead​ Yes, changing the skin material ID 7 texture to something other than the avatar skin texture "should" work. An engineer will be looking into why it is not working.


re #1: For the version number of Studio you can check it in File > Preferences


re #2: Ah! Clever!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on October 29, 2022.


@Drosselmeyer​  Hello! Yes 7 is the skin which makes sense. I was using a technique the original create mode allows where if you replace the skin layer with a colored/edited skin it replaces it with that color/texture and isn't able to be overridden by the actual avatar's skin


Answer to Question 1: I have the latest version of Studio - I am struggling to find the exact # and everything but it's whatever the current latest version available is since I updated it as soon as I opened it.


Second Question: it's a male avatar. It's using the FMB body shape and clever uses of makeup to make the avatar appear more feminine. It's 100% a male avatar with male shoes.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on October 28, 2022.


Hi @TheForsakenDead​, I have reproduced the issue you describe. I do not have a solution and will bring it up with the Studio team. I do notice that the material ID for the "socks" is 7 which is reserved for the avatar skin, but I have no idea why the texture color you have assigned is not showing up.


FYI, setting 'Skin Composite' will have no affect because it combines the one material with material ID 7 (example: material ID 10 with 'Skin Composite' set will "composite" with material ID 7, the skin, and material ID 10 will need an opacity map to allow the skin to show through). Setting material ID 7 to 'Skin Composite' will just "composite" with itself and is ignored.


Question: What version of Studio are you using?


Another question, not related to the issue: Your avatar appears to be female, but all of the products are male. How are you able to wear these shoes?

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