[Archived - DiamondBones] Will scaling non-direct-bone items be included in the future?

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Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 11, 2022.


Q: I really want to add imvu+ features to this derive, will those features be undone if I return to edit in classic just so I could save it's edit with the Debug2 scaling features?.




From my understanding, we can scale products that are directly on the avatar's original body, like if I want to derive a fingernail product, I can scale that because it includes the avatars hands, so I'm really just scaling the hands, and the nails are attached to them so they follow the changes as well. But if I wanted to derive a finger ring, it will not scale because it doesn't come with the hands! BUT when I move those body parts, the "ring" moves as well, so it is technically still attached!


In the Classic Client, there have been creators who've figured out how to scale those add ons and omit any changes to the bones they're attached to! Some have even went the extra mile and used this method to actually move where the product actually appears! I've done it with fangs, and seen others do it with furry noses! And some were trying to do it with glasses, and my fav sushi item! I really like it because it saves us from having to go back to meshers to beg them to find time to figure out where to adjust positions and sizes without ripping other meshes to adjust fitting in their 3D building programs, and just lets the deriver take care of that within imvu's create mode by just wearing inventory items and not needing to steal anyone's files.


My wings are attached to the spine, but obviously we don't want to scale the avatar's spine, just the product itself. @DimitriX89​  has set it up where I can do it in the client's DeBug2 tab and it's wearable in Next/Mobile/Desktop Beta, but when I open it in studio for editing, it dismisses the classic Debug2 settings and reverts back to default, undoing the scaling I've done (particles too, but I'm happy I have an option to replace that in Studio).

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 23, 2022.


Ok no wait, the

  • Alpha Test Blending on particles (fixed itself later)

did not fix itself later, I think I changed it to composite lol I'm confusing myself LOL omg.. ok... that's enough for tonight lol

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 23, 2022.


imageI'm thrilled to say that it worked! WOOHOO! I can't wait, ahh not enough hours in a day! XD <3


(May not be out of PR still by the time any check this)




  • Additive Blending on wing's lights
  • Alpha Test Blending on particles (fixed itself later)


Not work in : Mobile Homepage, 2D Feed Photos on all platforms, and studio icon camera.


Even before I edited this in classic c, it was giving the same issues. A little annoyed that I have to reinstall everytime I want to edit it though, so I want to really nail it.


Composite blending is fine though! I'm just not sure how to restructure the textures because the lights relies heavily on being additive because of the layers overlapping, so additive seems to help them melt together while composite clips, and it's more noticeable because it's animated. But I could live with composite blended particles.


Ok! Welp, I don't know what I did since I did a lot... but Mobile homepage seems to be fixed when I reinstalled! I tried reinstalling Studio, but the product name isn't changing and the additive light rays are still not displaying right in the icon camera, still black, (black parts supposed to be invisible and only the colors show)


image btw, bouncing from 3 different apps is... no fun ! lol what has my life come to lol

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 20, 2022.


So it's not known if I could add imvu+ features to a derive, then open it in classic to edit it with classic only features, and the whole thing would stay intact? It's at my own risk, ouu boy hehe. Well, here we go!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 20, 2022.


@MightySe7en​ Woohoo! Something to look forward to in the future! <3 Thank you ^_^

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on September 20, 2022.


Hey @DiamondBones​ ! This is a feature we are actively looking into. It may not make it into Studio by the end of the year, but it is absolutely something we want to get into the app.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on September 12, 2022.


If you're talking about an accessory then all you're doing is passing bone scaling to the accessory skeleton, the item controlling element - scaling avatar bones would then be unnecessary, which is why a ring could be made huge without altering the ring's finger; it's not possible to edit mesh data directly.


Can't remember if this has been discussed by IMVU devs but scaling accessory, furniture etc. should be possible.

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