[Archived - DiamondBones] How to delete legendary particles when deriving a mesh?

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Posted by “DiamondBones” on June 30, 2022.


Legendary particles work fine in classic client, but obviously not on Next/Mobile/Desktop Beta as it seems to revert all the Debug2 tab adjustments back to the default the original mesher did.


When using imvu studio, adding a new particle works great for the new platforms! (Haven't tested how it looks on classic client, but that's ok, I'll live with have 2 versions of a product, not like I'm making millions.). I can't seem to figure out how to delete the original particles so I could just rely on the new ones I'm adding.


I tried to replace the texture with a black one, but nope lol it's too strong XD it doesn't want to go invisible. I really don't want to upload in classic client, put invisible texture, submit through peer review, then open in studio to add particles...


Would be a nice feature to properly destroy or hide legendary particles when product is being used out of classic client, like auto switch lol I don't even think the new added particles in studio are even visible in classic, which is very promising for compatibility purposes.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on July 30, 2022.


@Drosselmeyer​ (https://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=55258102) I didn't submit it to shop, it was an edit saved in my drafts from one of my previous wings I made in Legend, and I was trying to fix how it looked outside of classic by editing it in studio. Should I submit my saved draft and give you the link anyways?


Also deriving this room from scratch in studio only. (https://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=54497368) I saved it, now when I try to open it later on in studio, some of the textures glitch, turning white:


imageI've seen this happen before in studio but usually when I restart a couple of times, it kicks back into place. But kind of really stuck now. This is also a saved draft, not a submitted product.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on July 28, 2022.


Hmm. I am not seeing the legacy particles coming back to life after turning them off. Do you have a PID you derived from that you are seeing this with?


Re Next Q: Ah! So, this product ^^ is an 'attachment' (aka accessory) product. Right now scalers only work on avatars and avatar clothing/body products (except eyes and skin).

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on July 13, 2022.


WOOHOOO! It's glorious! Thanks guys! xoxoxo

@Drosselmeyer​ + @4u​ 

Preview 7 seconds: https://gyazo.com/71b80073a82a376c2e25713caba02b06


I didn't know that button disactivated only the old/existing particles, I thought it would have disactivated it in general and prevent me from adding. Nice, this was reallllly easy! woohoo! <3


Alright, so I saved it as a draft and wasn't ready to upload (due to next Q needed). When I tried opening the draft again, the particle button I had previously clicked to disactivate the legendary particle mesh seemed to have came back to life and brought the legendary particles with it, along with the beautiful new studio ones. I clicked the button again to fix it then save, exit and reopen, and it respawned o,O Legend truly is powerfully legendary lol Then I went to update and it asked me to save before I left, so I did... now I have 2 drafts and one of them is completely invisible yet the same name... so I might delete both and try again.


Ok! Next Q!

How do I scale this mesh?

(Deriving this: https://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=53525534)


Original derive had included scalable options in it's DeBug2 Tab for Legend Client, which isn't present in imvu Studio. Tried looking through a tutorial and it says there should be a scale tab on the left side in it's vertical list, which is not. I'm not seeing the scale icon in your screenshot either, so looks like it's something special. Can only imvu add it to products?


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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on July 01, 2022.


@DiamondBones​ There is an option to disable legacy particles in IMVU Studio and as @4u​ mentions, the particles created in Studio are not backward compatible with Classic Client and will not display.


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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “4u” on June 30, 2022.


I'll never workout why IMVU wanted old particles to work in the new clients or why studio edited products rip out the old particle killing it for classic users, its just a clusterfook for developers.


@DiamondBones​ In theory when you edit in Studio it should ripout the old particle, which you can then replace with a new particle system. The new studio particle will only be visible to new client users, those on classic won't see it. BUT... because your deriving an derive, there could be a glitch happening. If you link to the product your deriving either in thread or PM me and I'll have a look and see if I can find an solution for you.


The first thing I'd try is replacing the legacy particle with a blank one, png with nothing on it, like this

particle.pngThere's a particle texture above :) rename that to what the original derived products particle name was and add it to the assets folder

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