[Archived - null] Studio keeps adding KBs to products even for settings changes

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Community Admin

Posted by “null” on November 29, 2021.


In working on products in Studio, if I change the icon it can add as much as 20k to 30k to the KBs. I'm not editing the product, just the "settings".


I noticed one case where somehow the product got set to not be searchable (thus hidden) in the catalog. I kept wondering why it was peer review approved but not visible until I realized it was set that way. So, I changed it in Studio to be searchable. That simple settings change added at least 2kb.


I've noticed other things where if I add a shine map of 1kb (largely just to get the IMVU+ label to show) it will add something like 20kb or more.


I even did a test where I took two derivables (ultimately they were derived off the same parent product) and noted the original KBs, added the same texture to each. One product was made in Classic and one was made in Studio. The one in Studio had an extra 17kb above and beyond the extra added to the Classic version.



I love how Studio is set up. It absolutely runs faster than Classic and doesn't tie up the chat client when submitting (since I am often chatting at the same time). I would use it all the time instead of Classic. But many of my friends live in rural areas with slow Internet connections and so I am cognizant of keeping KBs low on my products.


Is it at least possible for Studio to not add KBs when a "setting" is changed?


I recognize it is probably producing more information when an actual change to the product is made and so it may have to add more to the KBs in that case. But at least for settings is there a way to stop adding KBs each time a setting is changed?

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RiverDesigns” on April 30, 2022.


Well this is unfortunate. Has this issue been addressed at all? Is there anyway around it? I just edited a sofa set that practically doubled in KBs after I resubmitted it. I am trying to get onboard with the new platforms but I cannot keep working with studio if this is just the way it is. I'm selling family homes here, NO ONE would ever be able to load my bundles at this rate.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on December 03, 2021.


@Nums​  It is a mixture of both. The only accurate way I have found to get the actual Kb of a product is to download the assets (open the product in IMVU Edit tool) and then "ZIp up" the contents of the asset folder. I then compare that value to the listed Kbs on other places on IMVU. It usualy matches (very close) to the Product Page Kb Weight.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Nums” on December 01, 2021.


Well my question is , is it studio or is it just IMVUs faulty kb system in general? I recently uploaded some products that say 1,100kb on the product pages but are actually only 150kb in the client. All submitted via classic. They also did go even higher in kb when I edited them

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on December 01, 2021.


@Nums​ Yes, this is true but some people shop for lower Kbs (and should) shown on the product page. If our customer can derive/use a Widget that weighs 700kb and the very similar one that weighs 60kb... I would want to use thee 60Kb one for reduced crashing of myself or others while in-client.


TIP - I did find if... Use 7-zip (or similar) and "Zip" the Contents of your IMVU Studio Project Folder, the size of the resulting Zip File will be very close to the size it shows on the Product Page :D

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on November 30, 2021.


@LestatDeLioncourt, thanks! That is good to know. I can try that to reduce some of these back and be able to update settings (e.g. change an icon) without getting the KBs increased.


@Nums at least where I look at the KBs is on the individual product page. But I will have to one day check the KBs on all product pages for a "look" I am wearing and see if they definitely all add up to the same as what is showing as the KBs for my avatar with that look.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Nums” on November 30, 2021.


I’ve never understood the concept of kbs since every single area shows the kbs differently. The only thing that’s ever truly mattered was the kbs shown inside the actual client..

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on November 30, 2021.


Oh! I did find something else similarly related. I do not think this should be this way, so reporting...


If you use the same material (exact same material and file name) on multiple materials, the Studio counts each "usage" as a new material.

Huh?If I use a material called XYZ,jpg and I add XYZ.jpg to 3 different material locations, the kb weight is 3 x the weight one material.

I know the Create Mode only counts the material one time.


If XYZ.jpg = 50kb and used in 3 material locations then XYZ.jpg + XYZ.jpg + XYZ.jpg = 150Kb

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