[Archived - RickEros] Strange quirks since I changed from Legacy VIP to Platinum

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Community Admin

Posted by “RickEros” on February 09, 2022.


Two things I'm noticing:


New items aren't going into peer review when I publish. I'll see a message "This product has not gone into Peer Review" on my product page, and it just sits there. I'll resubmit and see "CREATORS! Your own products will move through the review process FASTER when you do peer review. VOTE NOW!" in which case it eventually passes.


Peer Review is taking an abnormally long amount of time. I submitted some items, and it'll be 2 days later and still in peer review. I'll do Peer Review, hoping it'll push my items up the queue, but still...2 days later and nothing. I'll resubmit, and some items pass, but some do not.


I wish we could see WHERE our items are in the queue, like "you are 000 of 000 in the queue" so we know where we're at. Maybe also a number of people currently doing peer review so if it's taking long and we see barely anyone doing it, then it'll make sense. I feel like I'm in limbo and not sure if it's just a lack of peer reviewers, or some bug in the system.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on February 25, 2022.


I saw the same thing too but it fixes itself when I edit html and add anything or something and finally gets accepted like normal. I thought it was on purpose like it's own way of hinting to me that I did a mistake, but no :/ ah well lol


I find doing peer reviews doesn't help it pass faster right away AT ALL lol. BUT I noticed that when I just have the habit of doing some peer reviews here and there, then my items pass faster, so I think it needs time to notice.


I also notice that it gives me problems when I submit new products everyday, so it purposely slows my products from coming out because they want to give a chance for other creators items to come out too. I remember when I haven't made anything in a really long time, that anything I make comes out of pr almost instantly from being submitted.


I get the feeling that it wants to encourage creators who are normally not active, but at the same time it wants to make things more fair by not letting those who submit a lot get away with being lazy and not paying back into the community when we barely do peer reviews. I know many creators who make a lot of items but refuse to do ANY peer reviews... so I guess I should respect this more assertive method. I'm also guessing that there are too many items that need reviewing, so they wouldn't want to help only want to pass our own items. I should test what kind of schedule works best for me so I could take out a bit of time to just do some each week. If reviewing 20 items a week minimum is enough to let my products fly through at any time, that would feel like nothing. I'll see what I can try x.x

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on February 12, 2022.


Hi @RickEros​ thank you again for bringing this up. Unfortunately, due to the way Peer Review works - it's not a first in first out system - adding details about where an item is in the queue wouldn't be accurate.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on February 11, 2022.


@RickEros​ I absolutely agree with everything you propose. I think it would be great and we need these features! If I saw times when it seemed like not a lot of people were presently doing peer reviews I'd jump on for a bit and do some for 30-45 minutes or so.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RickEros” on February 10, 2022.


@cbmvb​ Then it's not me...of which I'm thankful.


I think this is a good use case though to give creators (maybe in the developer reports or creator center) a look at what's going on in peer review.


Ideal would be to show submitted products in peer, and what number they are in the queue with a message they can nudge them up by doing peer reviews.


That, and show how many are accessing peer review pages at a given time. I know it won't be fully accurate, as one could have a page open in a tab and forget, but it'll give creators a look at how many are reviewing right now, how many products are in peer, and where their products are sitting. Just great info to make everyone's lives easier...including support who likely gets loads of "why is my item still in peer?" messages.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on February 10, 2022.


@RickEros I'm still on Legacy VIP and peer is really being slow for me too. At least 30 hours or more. No edits or changes to the description or anything. Just the initial submit. It was really good in terms of turnaround up until a few days ago.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on February 10, 2022.


Thank you @RickEros​! Also adding your request to the peer review want list!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RickEros” on February 10, 2022.


Thank you by the way for responding!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RickEros” on February 10, 2022.


Right now, everything seems to be working right. Funny enough the two products I've been waiting on finally went through. I'll keep my eyes out and put in a support ticket if I see an issue.


This post was more me fishing to see if this was a "yeah, sorry about that, we're currently making changes to the API and you might see some quirks" moment.


I still think something to notify us where our items are in the queue and how many are reviewing at the moment would be helpful...if possible.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on February 09, 2022.


Hi @RickEros​ thank you for bringing this to our attention. Are you still seeing any of your products not going into peer review? If so, could you provide the PID numbers and if possible take a screenshot of what you're seeing? We had looked into this issue and made some changes to address it, but if you're still seeing the problem we'd like to investigate further. The PIDs of products currently in this state will help a great deal. Appreciate it.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RickEros” on February 09, 2022.


I forgot to mention this all seemed to start when I got off Legacy VIP and on to Platinum VIP. I don't know if there's a connection to these issues.

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