My customers are confused by the Room Name Change requirements.
Ok, maybe I'm late to the party on this, I'm not sure. I've been taking a break away from IMVU, so it's entirely possible. I received a message from a customer who was having trouble loading a decorated room bundle that she had purchased from my shop. Apparently, there has been some change that requires the person to choose the room shell name instead of the bundle name in order to get the room to load. Why?
This is confusing for my customers, one in particular mentioned giving a bad review because of this change. Naturally, in typical IMVU fashion, I can't reply because of their message settings, but still. It's frustrating as all get out because I and many others have made multiple decorated rooms off of the same room shells, including GA and AP versions. They need to be able to use the Decorated Room Bundle Names for clarity's sake, otherwise, it's just a confusing mess with multiple rooms on the exact same name. Can this be fixed, please?
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5 months ago
Posted by “Aislinn” on November 08, 2023.
It probably is. I might have missed that one. I've more or less checked out of IMVU except for the bare basics that require attention. It's the first time I've run across it or had a customer with an issue about it. It seems really inefficient and disorganized. They have separate PIDs, and they need separate icons for advertising purposes, so it would make sense that the decorated room should be there as expected when the customer purchased it over the base shell room.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on November 08, 2023.
Is this the issue of Two Icons or Two Rooms showing with the same name -But- only one of the two is the Decorated Version?
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Aislinn” on November 07, 2023.
They purchased the decorated version and tried to select the name based on the decorated bundle name, which has always been the case as far as I've experienced. Even the public rooms that I have had open for a few years based on the decorated room bundle name stopped loading, despite previously working.
These were the instructions I was given when I asked about it: "What you made public is the bundle room (you selected the bundle room name itself which causes it to not load) Go to classic client > Chat rooms > Manage > Create a room and under room list - find the room Neon Glow Basement select it and use it to make the public room. When making a bundle room public, you must find the room shell included on it and thats what you need to select as the room."
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Aislinn” on November 07, 2023.
For the last 10-ish years, I have always been able to select the room bundle name instead of the room shell name from the list of available rooms when creating a chat. It kept the empty room shell separate from the decorated version.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “JanXuan” on November 07, 2023.
@Aislinn If they use the same room for different versions, does that mean that they have redecorated the room bundle? In that case the public room will be the version that your customar has created. She can give the public rooms all different names. He/she can not keep different versions of the same room. If the problem is on your end, since you used the same room shell for different bundles, I suggest edit the room shell and save it with a different name for the different versions. Then this problem won't happen.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “JanXuan” on November 07, 2023.
@Aislinn That is because the name of the room in the bundle is what the public room is chosen from. The furniture is not part of the bundle. It has always been this way. Since your customer bought the bundle he/she has the room decorated and it will load as such as a public room. There will not be a problem for your customer.
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Posted by “Aislinn” on November 06, 2023.
[Archived]My customers are confused by the Room Name Change requirements.
Ok, maybe I'm late to the party on this, I'm not sure. I've been taking a break away from IMVU, so it's entirely possible. I received a message from a customer who was having trouble loading a decorated room bundle that she had purchased from my shop. Apparently, there has been some change that requires the person to choose the room shell name instead of the bundle name in order to get the room to load. Why?
This is confusing for my customers, one in particular mentioned giving a bad review because of this change. Naturally, in typical IMVU fashion, I can't reply because of their message settings, but still. It's frustrating as all get out because I and many others have made multiple decorated rooms off of the same room shells, including GA and AP versions. They need to be able to use the Decorated Room Bundle Names for clarity's sake, otherwise, it's just a confusing mess with multiple rooms on the exact same name. Can this be fixed, please?
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Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Aislinn” on November 08, 2023.
[Archived]It probably is. I might have missed that one. I've more or less checked out of IMVU except for the bare basics that require attention. It's the first time I've run across it or had a customer with an issue about it. It seems really inefficient and disorganized. They have separate PIDs, and they need separate icons for advertising purposes, so it would make sense that the decorated room should be there as expected when the customer purchased it over the base shell room.
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Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on November 08, 2023.
[Archived]Is this the issue of Two Icons or Two Rooms showing with the same name -But- only one of the two is the Decorated Version?
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Aislinn” on November 07, 2023.
[Archived]They purchased the decorated version and tried to select the name based on the decorated bundle name, which has always been the case as far as I've experienced. Even the public rooms that I have had open for a few years based on the decorated room bundle name stopped loading, despite previously working.
These were the instructions I was given when I asked about it: "What you made public is the bundle room (you selected the bundle room name itself which causes it to not load) Go to classic client > Chat rooms > Manage > Create a room and under room list - find the room Neon Glow Basement select it and use it to make the public room. When making a bundle room public, you must find the room shell included on it and thats what you need to select as the room."
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Aislinn” on November 07, 2023.
[Archived]For the last 10-ish years, I have always been able to select the room bundle name instead of the room shell name from the list of available rooms when creating a chat. It kept the empty room shell separate from the decorated version.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “JanXuan” on November 07, 2023.
[Archived]@Aislinn If they use the same room for different versions, does that mean that they have redecorated the room bundle? In that case the public room will be the version that your customar has created. She can give the public rooms all different names. He/she can not keep different versions of the same room. If the problem is on your end, since you used the same room shell for different bundles, I suggest edit the room shell and save it with a different name for the different versions. Then this problem won't happen.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “JanXuan” on November 07, 2023.
[Archived]@Aislinn That is because the name of the room in the bundle is what the public room is chosen from. The furniture is not part of the bundle. It has always been this way. Since your customer bought the bundle he/she has the room decorated and it will load as such as a public room. There will not be a problem for your customer.
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