[Archived - LittleladyAK] why is the studio not uploading anything NOR will NOT save anything?

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Community Admin

Posted by “LittleladyAK” on August 15, 2023.


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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 05, 2023.


Yes, I think it is a mix match of CPU, Manufacture, Video Card, OS, etc, etc.


I did send the links for the old client and Studio to KasperSky a few months ago for evaluation. Explaining the Studio is "Live" to the servers, etc. Maybe it made the difference.


I am not knocking one Internet Security or another, everyone has their choice and everyone should use what works for them. Change if you need to.


I know the IMVU Staff have sent tech data to AVAST. I sent requests for evaluation to KasperSky. I also sent info to AVG and AVG never listened.


Use what works for you and change if it stops! LoL



Enjoy Life

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “JanXuan” on September 05, 2023.


That is funny, I deleted Kaspersky because it caused me problems.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 03, 2023.


Just for those reading and to add something interesting. I have been using KasperSky. I know there is no free version but, it is worth the subscription. It has a bunch of other things that come with it. The Internet Security is great and so far, compatible with all Client Versions and Studio!



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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LittleladyAK” on September 03, 2023.


Ty Drosselmeyer and LestatDeLioncourt , I got rid of AVG antivirus and decided to use something else...I then updated again yesterday to the new version without issue and was able to submit a "Doghouse" ...with no issues...Ty for all your help....

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LittleladyAK” on August 21, 2023.


Hi...ty for answering...is this something new within the past 2 updates? i ask because I've had the same anti-virus for years and also white list All IMVU within the past 2 yrs...just to be sure it would go through... Im using windows defender since 1996 (

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on August 17, 2023.


Hi @LittleladyAK​, I notice from your log files sent in when you did a 'Report a Problem' that you are running anti-virus software. 'EPERM' errors are related to permissions writing files to you hard drive. This is most likely cause by the anti-virus software blocking the action. Is there a way to "whitelist" IMVU Studio in you anti-virus app(s)? We have also received reports that indicate that certain anti-virus apps will "forget" IMVU Studio (or treat it as a new threat) after each Studio update. In this case you would need to "whitelist" IMVU Studio after each update. For some anti-virus companies, such as Avast, we have been able to have them permanently whitelist IMVU Studio.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LittleladyAK” on August 16, 2023.


Thank you for answering...i have done all the help and troubleshooting steps but to no avail. i have reported what is going on many times of the past few months...Yes, I have submitted Studio products in the past ...this has been going on for the past 6 months or so since the most recent updates of iMVU Studio.

Here is a error message I receive from just trying to save any project (doesn't matter what the project is - clothes, furniture, rooms, etc.) is as follows...

Here is example of the error message for D~ Freya STDress REG V2

by Delure -


There was an error trying to read or parse this project: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Users\littl\Documents\IMVU Studio Projects\22260480\derived17383895\UNDERWEAR OP PERFECT.jpg'

ALL My IMVU Studio products are saved in my local drive in " Documents" ...Imvu put it there and i allowed it to stay.....

I have submitted projects in the past with Studio, and never had an issue uploading any texture into the studio but now I do on everything and all my textures are in folders in my " pictures" but since the last 3 updates... it is NOT working at all ...it will save the original project trying to be derived from such as this example of the Freya Dress by Delure - IMVU Product: ~D~ Freya STDress REG V2 by Delure but will not save the derived project.

I have followed ALL steps in uninstalling and reinstalling given by the guidelines of the help area for Studio. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled through my Microsoft Specialist ways given to me by Microsoft for all other tough uninstall's. i hope you can help me figure this out...i do have the latest Studio version.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on August 16, 2023.


Hi @LittleladyAK​ Here are some simple troubleshooting steps that have helped many. Try these to start. Beyond this, you may need to give more information regarding whether have you submitted Studio products before, Error messages, Operating Systems, etc.


I hope this helps.



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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LittleladyAK” on August 15, 2023.


I have the lastest version and i have also uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times so far...its not working

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