[Archived - DiamondBones] www.imvu.com

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Community Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on May 29, 2023.


Limit Derives, please.

Example of creators messing around. Even if it didn't add lag from having such a long derive tree, this still invites scammers to the site that feel comfortable looking for ways to find loopholes. I understand that a long time ago many creators did this on purpose to try to score more Tier points easily with less effort. Last I heard, imvu pushed away the need for this, but I think I've seen some do it just to spread their profits among multiple accounts. I personally run from buying products like these because I know they're going to come with trouble. This shouldn't be allowed. ... omg it gets worse lol all these creator names have No Change Derive shops... this is so bad. It's getting to the point where the higher the price, the more likely it's a fake shop. That's not helping the catalogue. I was hoping to actually support creators who were wanting to make some of their own high end brands.



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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “JanXuan” on July 08, 2023.


@DiamondBones​ You can prevent this practise from your products by using wire maps or templates for your derivables in stead of textured products, and set your textured products as not derivable. That way customers won't buy a derivation, assuming that noone wants to buy a wire map textured product as clothes or furniture.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “JanXuan” on July 08, 2023.


I am not a fan of NCDs bit if creators have a reason to do so, that is their choice. However, as a customer, I always use the option to check "Products like this" in the Classic client, to find the cheapest of the same product, so that I won't waste my credits on NCDs. This is the choice customers have in the Classic client, and I think this should also be enabled in the Desjtop client and IMVU Next, because smart customers should deserve the right to compare. @RigsK​ 

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on June 18, 2023.


@POLY I guess this is one of the reasons why I see some creator shops limit how many products they make on their account, and spread their creativity among multiple accounts, instead of pilling all their products into one shop. I guess some creators don't mind it because it means they're still more likely to get a similar paycheck on the months where sales weren't so good.


Companies do things for a reason, as they don't like wasting their time and effort, especially imvu most of all since their business was founded on the lean business method. What's the point in capping each imvu shop account, when they can see the profits are all being funneled to one person's tax info.


I'm wondering if this has something to do with the way gov. files taxes for businesses, and imvu is trying to simplify it. Or maybe this is a way to discourage creators from leaving since the site is withholding some of their profits? lol Eitherway, this loophole is suspicious. Especially with all the credit sales imvu's been doing. I don't think most people buy their credits at 100% of the price, I think they wait for a sale, and the average sale reduces the price down to 60-75%, so giving creators a steady 40% can be tough when the sites profits are fluctuating, so I imagine that this cap is for reassurance and a guarantee that each creator will at least get this much. So it doesn't look like this loophole is so great, but I imagine that since not everyone is doing it, that the site can deal with it for the meantime.


I would love it if imvu could help creators advertise outside of the site. Everyone I meet only knows about imvu because of the ads the company puts out... not the users here. It sounds counter productive to enter a site with the hopes of creating an income, but only rely on big papa to let the world know you exist.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “POLY” on June 11, 2023.


I understand that you find the concept of having 20 derivations excessive. However, in such cases, you have the option to refrain from deriving or purchasing those products. Instead of requesting IMVU to ban a longstanding practice that is legal, which involves derivation chains, you can choose not to participate in it. It's important to note that this practice is not considered a loophole because it is well-known and accepted within the IMVU community. Similarly, it should not be considered cheating as it is within the bounds of the platform's rules.


Regarding the mention of "workarounds," I assume that this doesn't apply to your situation since you are against it. However, it's essential to understand that some individuals generate earnings beyond the allowed withdrawal limit. In such cases, creating a new account and transferring some profit there can help them withdraw the excess amount. To illustrate this, let's consider a scenario where you earn $700-800 per month, but your (MASA) only permits you to withdraw $500. By creating a second account and accumulating profits there, you could withdraw the remaining $200-300. 


Having addressed that, I acknowledge your concerns about products glitching due to excessive derivations, as you mentioned. I also understand that no-change derivations can be problematic for some users. However, it would be hasty to advocate for IMVU to limit derivations solely based on the fact that you think this is a loophole/cheating, because it is not. Many individuals rely on the practice of multiple derivations to sustain their work on IMVU.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on June 11, 2023.


@POLY​  these people are spreading among over 20 no change derives for each product. The more derives, the more likely an item glitches, as well as adds unnecessary kb weight to the final product. If a creator has to rely on cheats and loopholes, I don't think it's working for them. There are many creators doing well without having to resort to workarounds like this.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “POLY” on June 03, 2023.


Are you suggesting that creators should be prohibited from spreading their profits across multiple accounts? If you are unaware, it is permitted on IMVU to have alternate accounts. Therefore, why should creators not be permitted to distribute their profits in order to maximize their benefits with the MASA situation?


Provided that you refrain from engaging in acts of theft or unauthorized utilization of products that do not belong to you, I perceive no issue in the practice of spreading one's profits.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on June 01, 2023.


@RigsK​ Thank you so much.

I think these people who are trying to find non-creator ways to profit from the catalogue need to be pushed more towards selling bundles, and that bundable items need similar protection as derivable meshes that have been derived already. I think all items should be set to non-bundable by default so the creator has to consciously set it to bundable when submitting, and once someone else uses it in a bundle, the item should be locked from being edited unless they have permission from customer service, just like drv meshes.


Creating new products takes a lot of mental energy and many are too overwhelmed to also figure out ways to promote their products successfully, so we actually need these other creators who don't want to create new products, and staff do need to support bundles better, especially in the mobile catalogue, because those customers need them the most.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on May 31, 2023.


Thank you for the feedback DiamondBones! Will take this to the team.

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