Catalog Search Issues Cause Shoppers to become Frustrated!
We *NEED* "Search Filters that Work". IMVU Search is very archaic (1980s Style) and very limited.
With new Creators, Amateur Creators, heavy influx of like-and-kind products, boost cheaters, etc. No one can find anything... Even in the "Power Shoppers" HTML Catalog searching is almost useless. New user shopping (Next, Mobile & Desktop) is the worst experience. I can see why they would not buy Credits nor be encouraged to remain on IMVU to buy Upgrades, etc.
!!! These problems exist because there are NoUsefulFilters !!!!
Search Categories are a menagerie of mixed results. When you query a search with More than One Keyword, the issues are compounded. No Boolean Search are allowed to checking conditions (search = "Dress" "-Green")
Instead of a Minimal Main Stream Search we need a more Vertical Filtered Search with result narrowing filters. The more keywords you use, the more specific your search *should* be. Look at other catalogs on other sites and get a clearer idea. The searches here on IMVU are from the 1980s and NEED to be Updated.
The result from making the IMVU Customer Catalog Search more specific and useful will result in Sales being more prominent for those who take advantage of Keywords and proper categorization. Pro Creator Sales will soar!
Move off the original IMVU Search onto modern day searches to make our Customer Experience enjoyable. Resulting in more Credits Spent!
Anyone having comments on how to make the Customer Shopping Experience more pleasurable, Please elaborate your ideas!
Thanks for listening.
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7 months ago
Posted by “RigsK” on May 16, 2023.
Hi Folks,
The team is looking into these issues. Stay tuned!
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “gaf210” on May 16, 2023.
You have a point here lestat, i mean for a catalog as huge as imvu's , it should have also a good filter search to be able to actually find the things you are looking for.
For example, being able to search for a keyword under a category in an specific Creator catalog should be easier, than it is nowadays.
Boolean searches would be ideal too, and anything that allows for more specificity in search could not only better the experience of shoppers, but actually benefit the creators as well, being able to showcase exactly what a purchaser is looking for.
Again this must come as a challenge to the people managing the catalog's database, usually doing searches in such a huge data set demands a lot of processing by the database engine, in particular when doing full text searches.
Maybe a way to ease this load could be togive an option to search only on recent published products (for example, from 2018 and onwards) , i know for clothing and hairs it would be beneficial since all these products would be more possibly derived from newer meshes and body shapes. This way it would also ease the load of text searches by partitioning and narrowing the data set to be performed on. Again this all depends on how the architecture is and could simply not be possible to do, but maybe something like this could be looked into for making our shoppers lives easier and also beneficial for creators still around.
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7 months ago
Posted by “cbmvb” on May 15, 2023.
We absolutely need boolean type searches: AND as well as OR types, NOT (exclude words), exact matches to really narrow it down, etc.
We also need to be able to search specifically the item name / title and not include keywords or the description.
It would be great to search based on age of the item (created in the last month, last six month, last year, last two years, last five years, all years, etc). That allows the really old items to stay but to filter them out if someone wants more modern items.
We need to be able to search on a creator name AND keywords (with booleans).
We are required to submit an icon with each new product. On mobile / desktop, those icons are never seen. Instead there is the faceless "mannequin". Why not just have both icons? Some creators just submit the same icon with their logo instead of something showing their product. For those the mannequin look is an "improvement". For those who take the time to do animations, the mannequin look is a downgrade. So, just show both icons.
Now, this is really advanced and lower priority than the above, but creators should be allowed to make "collections" like real life fashion designers. These should work on Classic / Desktop / Mobile, not just on Classic web with keywords. This would allow creators to put all clothing or furniture items with a particular style together even if they are made months or even years apart. When things are grouped primarily based on when they are submitted it means one needs to get all the stuff in one collection done at once. If I could just submit things and go back later to group them together, I would produce a lot more.
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7 months ago
Posted by “JanXuan” on May 15, 2023.
Totally agree. One of the problems is that there are creators who have a product category as their user name, even when they have mixed products. This does nit contribute to the search results except for that one creator. However we can not exclude creator names from the search. I have no idea how to work this out. But it would help if we could use a search with words between "", like "short green dress", provided that that will exclude green shorts or short red dress.
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Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on May 14, 2023.
[Archived]Catalog Search Issues Cause Shoppers to become Frustrated!
We *NEED* "Search Filters that Work". IMVU Search is very archaic (1980s Style) and very limited.
With new Creators, Amateur Creators, heavy influx of like-and-kind products, boost cheaters, etc. No one can find anything... Even in the "Power Shoppers" HTML Catalog searching is almost useless. New user shopping (Next, Mobile & Desktop) is the worst experience. I can see why they would not buy Credits nor be encouraged to remain on IMVU to buy Upgrades, etc.
!!! These problems exist because there are No Useful Filters !!!!
Search Categories are a menagerie of mixed results. When you query a search with More than One Keyword, the issues are compounded. No Boolean Search are allowed to checking conditions (search = "Dress" "-Green")
Instead of a Minimal Main Stream Search we need a more Vertical Filtered Search with result narrowing filters. The more keywords you use, the more specific your search *should* be. Look at other catalogs on other sites and get a clearer idea. The searches here on IMVU are from the 1980s and NEED to be Updated.
The result from making the IMVU Customer Catalog Search more specific and useful will result in Sales being more prominent for those who take advantage of Keywords and proper categorization. Pro Creator Sales will soar!
Move off the original IMVU Search onto modern day searches to make our Customer Experience enjoyable. Resulting in more Credits Spent!
Anyone having comments on how to make the Customer Shopping Experience more pleasurable, Please elaborate your ideas!
Thanks for listening.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RigsK” on May 16, 2023.
[Archived]Hi Folks,
The team is looking into these issues. Stay tuned!
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “gaf210” on May 16, 2023.
[Archived]You have a point here lestat, i mean for a catalog as huge as imvu's , it should have also a good filter search to be able to actually find the things you are looking for.
For example, being able to search for a keyword under a category in an specific Creator catalog should be easier, than it is nowadays.
Boolean searches would be ideal too, and anything that allows for more specificity in search could not only better the experience of shoppers, but actually benefit the creators as well, being able to showcase exactly what a purchaser is looking for.
Again this must come as a challenge to the people managing the catalog's database, usually doing searches in such a huge data set demands a lot of processing by the database engine, in particular when doing full text searches.
Maybe a way to ease this load could be to give an option to search only on recent published products (for example, from 2018 and onwards) , i know for clothing and hairs it would be beneficial since all these products would be more possibly derived from newer meshes and body shapes. This way it would also ease the load of text searches by partitioning and narrowing the data set to be performed on. Again this all depends on how the architecture is and could simply not be possible to do, but maybe something like this could be looked into for making our shoppers lives easier and also beneficial for creators still around.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “cbmvb” on May 15, 2023.
[Archived]We absolutely need boolean type searches: AND as well as OR types, NOT (exclude words), exact matches to really narrow it down, etc.
We also need to be able to search specifically the item name / title and not include keywords or the description.
It would be great to search based on age of the item (created in the last month, last six month, last year, last two years, last five years, all years, etc). That allows the really old items to stay but to filter them out if someone wants more modern items.
We need to be able to search on a creator name AND keywords (with booleans).
We are required to submit an icon with each new product. On mobile / desktop, those icons are never seen. Instead there is the faceless "mannequin". Why not just have both icons? Some creators just submit the same icon with their logo instead of something showing their product. For those the mannequin look is an "improvement". For those who take the time to do animations, the mannequin look is a downgrade. So, just show both icons.
Now, this is really advanced and lower priority than the above, but creators should be allowed to make "collections" like real life fashion designers. These should work on Classic / Desktop / Mobile, not just on Classic web with keywords. This would allow creators to put all clothing or furniture items with a particular style together even if they are made months or even years apart. When things are grouped primarily based on when they are submitted it means one needs to get all the stuff in one collection done at once. If I could just submit things and go back later to group them together, I would produce a lot more.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “JanXuan” on May 15, 2023.
[Archived]Totally agree. One of the problems is that there are creators who have a product category as their user name, even when they have mixed products. This does nit contribute to the search results except for that one creator. However we can not exclude creator names from the search. I have no idea how to work this out. But it would help if we could use a search with words between "", like "short green dress", provided that that will exclude green shorts or short red dress.
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