[Archived - Lexique] how do you guess the rendered weight of a product (kBs)?

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Posted by “Lexique” on May 08, 2023.


Hi, it's me again sorry. This time I'm trying to understand weights and how I can discern the end from the beginning!


I cannot make sense of product weight vs rendered weight. Here are three derived products:


1: 6 xrf <100b each, 1 colorful 109kb texture, no animation or IMVU+ features,

Product page weight: 201 = 112 (product) +88 (derive product)

+25kb is added to the avatar when wearing

2: 6 xrf <100b each, 1 b&W-only 53kb texture, no animation or IMVU+ features,

Product page weight: 140 = 52 (product) +88 (derive product)

+73kb is added to the avatar when wearing

3: 4 xrf <100b each incl imvu+ particle system, 4 textures, 109kb total, all xrf are animated

Product page weight: 180 = 102 (product) 77 (derive product)

+11kb is added to the avatar (note, the particle system does not exist in classic)


Product 1 and 2 are derived from the same product. I thought that product 2 would be much lighter to wear than product 1 since the texture is half the weight, but that's not what the dressing room classic client told me. Product 3 small weight doesn't make sense at all except it must be because without the particles, it renders fairly solid color even though it's animated. Surely it weighs more in Next with an active particle system, but is there any way at all to determine how much?


What things should I consider for how much something will weigh down an avatar/room, etc? I know that a long derivation chain makes loading longer. All three of the above listed products are derived from the original mesh.


I would have thought that maybe the reason for render cost is the complexity of the texture (the xrfs are quite simple in the above cases). But here is yet another product using only a solid white 1x1 texture, and six simple xrfs <100b each that are smaller in size than the above meshes. The product page weight reads: 47 KB (3 KB + 45 KB). But the worn weight adds 22kb. No animation or nothing. Is it because there are 6 xrfs instead of the 4 xrfs in the 3rd product listed above?


Now I'm just not sure how much the original texture weight plays into the rendered weight of a product. And - do classic rendered weights even add up the same on Next apps??


Thanks for anyone who can help me understand this a bit better.


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