[Archived - DiamondBones] Can we eventually lock the minimum/maximum profit for our derivable meshes?

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Community Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on January 26, 2023.


When I began, I tried to be kind by setting my profit low to help support and encourage creators deriving from me to make a fair profit for their effort. But there are those who would set their derives to 1 or 0, or purposely undercut the other derives, as well as make little to no changes, or make their derive very bare minimum by removing all of the variety parts, and use that to promote and sell, so customers think that's the best, so they tell eachother to shop those ones, and other creators who derived give up because they don't get the profits for their time. So I end up loosing out on the lower distribution due to people who are not selling for business, just trying to be as close to "free" as possible.


So, for other reasons as well, I've hidden them and only open their derive to those who ask me directly, then I hide them again. Unfortunately, this means that most are no longer going to derive from me because they don't like to send messages and ask. There's a shyness among furries that's unparallel to anything I've grown up with.


I don't need creators to resell my meshes striped and close to no profit for themselves. I'd rather just gift my items out to people who can't afford them, if that's their reasoning.


Furry heads are not the same as human. The human market is huge, furry is quite small in comparison, so when there's a lot of people doing that in it, it makes a greater effect on the rest.


I'm even noticing this issue with the NFTs where the buyers will sell it at no profit, or even under what they paid. I know that's their right since the features are set up that way, but it also damages the value of it.

imageLiterally 100$ worth... brought down to 20 or so bucks... That's not normal. The type of person who's willing to throw away so much of their own money... When these Drops started, they'd resell very well, it made sense. But eventually they started getting bought out nearly instantly and sold very low. I think people do this on purpose to ruin markets. But anyways...


There's a really big difference between creators trying to make a business and people just here for themselves, and I don't think it's fair that the site mixes the two, when they know very well that they had to lock their own deriviation prices on parent meshes just to make sure the market wouldn't be set too low. So this issue is known, and I don't think it's fair that the site can protect their market, but we can't protect ours.


What worries me with the NFTs is when a crazy careless kid with their parents ccard will buy my item, that I was hoping to get profits from each transaction when it's passed around... and that kid just makes it costs 1 million vcoin so that nobody can have it. If I had known they were going to keep it only to themselves, then I would have set my price much higher. We need control so we can prepare and plan better. So many get frustrated at how chaotic the market can be with abusers, not everyone can afford to waste this kind of time. They're badges, we can't refund/take them back. I would totally make different varieties if we had more accurate control features for them.



Can creators purchase back their own NFTs off a customer who bought them?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 10, 2023.


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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on March 10, 2023.


It's okay, I cant read anyway... LOL Great food for thought... :)

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 09, 2023.


@LestatDeLioncourt​ I just realized that I hit you with a wall of text lol sorry about that. Working on this bad habit!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on March 07, 2023.


Thanks for the input. I understand more of what you are saying.

Aren't the Discussions great? Sharing insight is important for

creator growth and understanding. Again, Thanks for the input :)

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 07, 2023.


@LestatDeLioncourt​ image1500cr is still an attainable price. I'm more talking about impossible prices, like 1 500 000 for an exclusive item that was originally submitted at a low fee to the original person it's linked to, because that person was relying on multiple sales.


A max profit would prevent trapping an exclusive item at an impossible price, when the person who originally made it was relying on it being a more reasonable price so that it would sell more often, and they would make their investments back. Maybe just put a limit on what the limit could be, like nothing ridiculous such as 1 500 000 cr that's obviously not going to be used for expected reoccurring sales. Display Only should be used and respected.


A min profit would ensure that it would be worth it for others to help distribute it, as there would be a limit to the undercuts. Undercut-wars can easily destroy a market because there's always going to be someone who doesn't care if they make zero.


I've met many meshers that felt duped and regretted their past decisions of locking their derive fees at the "wrong" number. There's little to no control for them, however, imvu gets to change theirs anytime they want. Imvu gets to use their research to make changes that will help their business, but meshers are prevented from such for themselves, and have to rely on constantly restarting and competing against their previous selves. That's not fair, we can fix that.


If I'm making an exclusive item for someone else to work on, and I know that it's not going to bring any future profits to me, then I am going to price my fees accordingly for my time then and there, so I understand the cutoff. If I know that this person agreed to reselling it at a rate I know many would be interested in, then I'm going to price my original fees lower, because I have a fair expectation that more will come later. Basically, putting a min-max just represents this agreement officially. 1500 cr is still reasonable for a purchase, but not 1 500 000 cr... that's basically a Display Only no sale cop out, which hurts an exclusive unique product that was made to rely on sales. Now if someone wanted to halt their max at 100, then those who need 1500 would have to go elsewhere, which I'd imagine would help stimulate other shops since there's more of a reason to explore them. OR just install the limit to prevent no sale prices so folks can still input normal high prices.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on February 13, 2023.


Everyone has an opinion and I respect theirs as much as I respect my own. I will try to keep mine simple.


Those people who are not charging enough or charging too much will eventually fall out of the IMVU Catalog Search and their product will not be sold. It is a learning process for Creators.


The ones who charge too little have added nothing to the product. Most likely they are making junk-products that no one will buy. If they are doubling the price of a derivable product, again the same as above. The catalog Search Engine will eventually not find them anymore for new sales. They may get a few sales until the customer learns of the rip-off.


As for myself and my pricing. I set my price so the Derivers can have room to make a profit to and still be competitive in the market. My Price is about the same amount of profit expected by the Deriver.


Bottom Line?


  • I want to set My Price for My Product.
  • I do Not want to set the Price for Other People.
  • I do not believe in "Price Setting"
  • Open Competition makes the market.


What if I set the Max-Profit for a simple Wall Canvas at 100cr?

What if my deriver wants to spend 8 hours drawing the "perfect artwork" on my Canvas?

Do I limit my customer to 100cr when they may *need* 1500cr to cover their work?


Who would set the price Min and Max for all the Existing products w/ absent Creators? IMVU?


I just don't get it.

I mean no disrespect at all.

I just don't get how it could work :(



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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on February 12, 2023.


Here's another example on how chaos can ruin things (lol I love anarchy, so this really pains me to admit lol)

My relatives irl love playing poker during family get togethers. Huge age gaps though! All the way from 8-60 years old at this time. They were impressed how my younger cousins learned how to play! So they let them join. They regretted this and kicked them out of the games eventually because they hadn't any concept of value for money. It's normal for people to bluff their hand in this game, but the kids were doing it completely chaotically lol which is honestly brilliant if you think about it, because the older players could never measure the risks and patterns. They were already spoiled "rich" kids, so the low amount of cash the rest were playing for really meant nothing to them, and they ruined the fun of actually playing the game itself by constantly throwing things around...


This is what I mean when there are people buying NFTs for 100$ then sell them for 20$ right away, loosing 80%. I don't know if these tests are to weed out the money launderers and scammers, but I sure hope that when it's open to everyone to make NFTs that the system would have more regulations to help make things more steady.


I know so many people who avoid open markets because the risk isn't worth it.


I don't understand why there's so much trust here, we know we can't trust people lol

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on February 12, 2023.


@MissMaya​ (hi! big fan!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MissMaya” on February 12, 2023.


Also, regarding derivable meshes, you should always price something as you see it's worth.

Under-pricing products in the hope that it will sell well or get more derives seems like a good idea in the short-term but it is counter productive in the long term and potentially damaging to the economy who will view the item as a "cheap" item and not value the effort put in.

Just food for thought!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MissMaya” on February 12, 2023.


NFT is basically a risk and reward item, with intrinsic value varying from user to user, I think it is the whole point of crypto. Thta it is NOT a controlled market, unlike VCoin.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 26, 2023.


I do believe everyone has a different opinion on these thoughts and each one is fine with me.


I set my derivable profit for the amount of work I put into a product. There is some thought in set price, based on the average

current market for that type of derivable product.


I cannot control others and what they do, if they set a very high profit and sell their wares, more power to them. If they set their

profit low and sell theirs, more power to them. LoL


I *do* know many fine artists who spend hours on a what *could* be a simple texture material, they will charge for their time, too.

Most times the *quality* is worth the extra price. These types are what I purchase for my inventory.


Summary: I just worry about my 3 partners... ( Me, Myself and I )

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