I was confused when a few weeks after purchasing this avatar, I couldn't put it on anymore, so I opened a Help ticket for them to flag as broken, since it became hidden from shop too.
They told me it's UFI then accused me of knowing since as a creator, it's my responsibility to know, and that they wouldn't tell me specifically. I'm assuming they don't see any explanation or notes, just staff re-rating it as UFI.
I've noticed meshers splitting their codes to hide among multiple products for individually passing inspections and flags, but when worn together, it completes their codes so their customers can use it as UFI content. I've always known about this but it was easy to avoid them since they usually always used accessories, though lately is the first time I've caught them using many normal public default Avatars as part of the product teams, only then did I understand why my avatar was probably taken away from me. As I looked through their deriviations, I don't believes all these devs know, but it's also impossible to tell them apart from the ones who do.
Technically they can booby trap any product this way, but I understand why it's popular with Avatars, as most black market dealers are not meshing queens, they're just drones who pass it along. I didn't care about them before because they were out of the way, but this new generation is just horribly inconsiderate or others.
I'm happy it's not a rampant issue, but it does randomly happen and I'm worried I'll get blamed if I accidently include them in my shop Looks. I was planning on submitting many more, but I'm worried, as the more I have, the more I'm at risk. So will staff give us a pass for this?
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5 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 01, 2022.
If you have concerns about a product that was re-rated improperly, it should be discussed with IMVU Creator Staff in a private Help Case. All human's make mistakes and it is possible this happens with IMVU Staff too. I have seen them reverse a decision on second review.
Hope this helps.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “DiamondBones” on August 31, 2022.
If it's a GA product, but anything about it is supposed to be AP, then when flagged, staff re-rates it as AP, not UFI. So even if it's default clothes revealed the MCG red zones, they would have just locked it as an AP product, not UFI + break the 3D product.
Usually if a product has UFI search tags, icon image, name, etc, and it's flagged, staff will remove those but leave the 3d product if by itself is not UFI. They literally just clean out all the UFI content and leave what's acceptable.
Even when a product is DMCA'd, it's not broken like this.
In this case, they left the product name, product icon image, (rated AP either by staff of original, don't remember) but I cannot try on the product itself anymore, and when I asked CS why, they told me they purposely broke it because the product itself was UFI. If it was just the search tags that were UFI, then those would had been deleted and the product still be wearable.
When I bought it, it wasn't making any vulgar positions or anything. It had 1 sitting pose and 1 standing pose, that's it. And they weren't touching itself inappropriately, or any animations, it was just 2 nice still poses.
When I told CS that I think I understand why it was UFI because I've been catching a lot of people using special avatars to make their UFI triggers work, and it wasn't fair cuz how are we supposed to know that, CS was like "exactly, bye". lol So I'm learning that they're in a difficult and seemingly impossible situation to get out unscathed from.
It would be hard to prove staff made a mistake because I don't have the original files for the product. They are human, so a certain inaccuracy % should be expected and forgiven. But I don't feel like they made a mistake because for the while, I coincidently been receiving more invites from random people who were using obvious UFI products, and I flagged like over 5 different people in a short period of time, and they were all using avatar + accessory to function. I revealed their hidden products and tried them on, even tested with other products so I could isolate the UFI ones that need eachother to work, and send in the PIDs to customer service. That's when I noticed something new, that they're all using Avatars now. And when I looked at the specific avatars they were using, it was either a parent product, or a derive from one with others deriving from them publicly. That can easily spread accidently. Or when imvu does disable a UFI account, they don't go through their derivables, so there's a lot of infected products out there waiting to be flagged. Then people rip it, and it spreads even more through new sources.
Most of them are not even unique meshes, I'm sure they could be found when scanning the site. I imagine if imvu updated the "Find Products Similar To Mine" feature, then they could block these from being uploaded in the first place if it was already rated UFI, so their departments could deal with less repetition, as I'm sure they've got millions of reports to go through, taking so long to get service. VIP could only appeal to those who enjoy the site already and want an upgrade. I can't imagine telling someone if they don't enjoy themselves here, that they will if they paid. There's minimal standards we can help with.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on August 31, 2022.
Hi @DiamondBones There is no easy answer to this question. Reading and Fully Understanding the complete Virtual Goods Policy (VGP) is a necessity for any Creator.
The two places most people get tangled up on are the MCG and Wording allowed in Product Description. The complete product presentation is all considered in the rating of a product. If a product has One AP word in the Title, Description, Keywords, etc. it is All AP! If the Icon shows AP the whole product is AP. If the product shows One Pixel of Red (when testing) it is considered AP. more on these below...
Beyond the VGP there is more detail about the Minimum Coverage Guide or MCG here:
Product Title, Description and Keywords can get tricky. For a GA product you want to use GA "Words". What I have done; in the past, is this. If you are unsure about a word you can take your own "consensus" by using the Catalog or asking IMVU Staff in a Help Case. What?
Example for Wording:
Okay if a person was concerned about using the word "Sexy" in the Title, Description, etc. they can go to the IMVU HTML Catalog and take a "vote". Type in the word "Sexy" for searching and see if the huge majority of products that show are GA. If say 95% or better are GA in the search, your use of that word is most likely GA. To be 100% sure, you can always ask IMVU CS Staff in a Help Case. They can give a good opinion.
The MCG Skin should never show even one pixel of Red (in the MCG Pose) or it will likely be flagged at some point in time. The avatar you used in your example shows Red when using the MCG Testing with the Skin and Pose. Normally this is not UFI but simply AP but CS Staff may have seen something I missed on that avatar.
I hope these help ... Many Creators are confused about all of this and this is intended to help anyone search for re-rate help, minimum coverage guide, AP words vs GA words, etc.
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Posted by “DiamondBones” on August 31, 2022.
[Archived]I was confused when a few weeks after purchasing this avatar, I couldn't put it on anymore, so I opened a Help ticket for them to flag as broken, since it became hidden from shop too.
(Link, but hidden: https://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=57405720 )
They told me it's UFI then accused me of knowing since as a creator, it's my responsibility to know, and that they wouldn't tell me specifically. I'm assuming they don't see any explanation or notes, just staff re-rating it as UFI.
I've noticed meshers splitting their codes to hide among multiple products for individually passing inspections and flags, but when worn together, it completes their codes so their customers can use it as UFI content. I've always known about this but it was easy to avoid them since they usually always used accessories, though lately is the first time I've caught them using many normal public default Avatars as part of the product teams, only then did I understand why my avatar was probably taken away from me. As I looked through their deriviations, I don't believes all these devs know, but it's also impossible to tell them apart from the ones who do.
Technically they can booby trap any product this way, but I understand why it's popular with Avatars, as most black market dealers are not meshing queens, they're just drones who pass it along. I didn't care about them before because they were out of the way, but this new generation is just horribly inconsiderate or others.
I'm happy it's not a rampant issue, but it does randomly happen and I'm worried I'll get blamed if I accidently include them in my shop Looks. I was planning on submitting many more, but I'm worried, as the more I have, the more I'm at risk. So will staff give us a pass for this?
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Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 01, 2022.
[Archived]If you have concerns about a product that was re-rated improperly, it should be discussed with IMVU Creator Staff in a private Help Case. All human's make mistakes and it is possible this happens with IMVU Staff too. I have seen them reverse a decision on second review.
Hope this helps.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “DiamondBones” on August 31, 2022.
If it's a GA product, but anything about it is supposed to be AP, then when flagged, staff re-rates it as AP, not UFI. So even if it's default clothes revealed the MCG red zones, they would have just locked it as an AP product, not UFI + break the 3D product.
Usually if a product has UFI search tags, icon image, name, etc, and it's flagged, staff will remove those but leave the 3d product if by itself is not UFI. They literally just clean out all the UFI content and leave what's acceptable.
Even when a product is DMCA'd, it's not broken like this.
In this case, they left the product name, product icon image, (rated AP either by staff of original, don't remember) but I cannot try on the product itself anymore, and when I asked CS why, they told me they purposely broke it because the product itself was UFI. If it was just the search tags that were UFI, then those would had been deleted and the product still be wearable.
When I bought it, it wasn't making any vulgar positions or anything. It had 1 sitting pose and 1 standing pose, that's it. And they weren't touching itself inappropriately, or any animations, it was just 2 nice still poses.
When I told CS that I think I understand why it was UFI because I've been catching a lot of people using special avatars to make their UFI triggers work, and it wasn't fair cuz how are we supposed to know that, CS was like "exactly, bye". lol So I'm learning that they're in a difficult and seemingly impossible situation to get out unscathed from.
It would be hard to prove staff made a mistake because I don't have the original files for the product. They are human, so a certain inaccuracy % should be expected and forgiven. But I don't feel like they made a mistake because for the while, I coincidently been receiving more invites from random people who were using obvious UFI products, and I flagged like over 5 different people in a short period of time, and they were all using avatar + accessory to function. I revealed their hidden products and tried them on, even tested with other products so I could isolate the UFI ones that need eachother to work, and send in the PIDs to customer service. That's when I noticed something new, that they're all using Avatars now. And when I looked at the specific avatars they were using, it was either a parent product, or a derive from one with others deriving from them publicly. That can easily spread accidently. Or when imvu does disable a UFI account, they don't go through their derivables, so there's a lot of infected products out there waiting to be flagged. Then people rip it, and it spreads even more through new sources.
Most of them are not even unique meshes, I'm sure they could be found when scanning the site. I imagine if imvu updated the "Find Products Similar To Mine" feature, then they could block these from being uploaded in the first place if it was already rated UFI, so their departments could deal with less repetition, as I'm sure they've got millions of reports to go through, taking so long to get service. VIP could only appeal to those who enjoy the site already and want an upgrade. I can't imagine telling someone if they don't enjoy themselves here, that they will if they paid. There's minimal standards we can help with.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on August 31, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @DiamondBones There is no easy answer to this question. Reading and Fully Understanding the complete Virtual Goods Policy (VGP) is a necessity for any Creator.
The two places most people get tangled up on are the MCG and Wording allowed in Product Description. The complete product presentation is all considered in the rating of a product. If a product has One AP word in the Title, Description, Keywords, etc. it is All AP! If the Icon shows AP the whole product is AP. If the product shows One Pixel of Red (when testing) it is considered AP. more on these below...
Beyond the VGP there is more detail about the Minimum Coverage Guide or MCG here:
Product Title, Description and Keywords can get tricky. For a GA product you want to use GA "Words". What I have done; in the past, is this. If you are unsure about a word you can take your own "consensus" by using the Catalog or asking IMVU Staff in a Help Case. What?
Example for Wording:
Okay if a person was concerned about using the word "Sexy" in the Title, Description, etc. they can go to the IMVU HTML Catalog and take a "vote". Type in the word "Sexy" for searching and see if the huge majority of products that show are GA. If say 95% or better are GA in the search, your use of that word is most likely GA. To be 100% sure, you can always ask IMVU CS Staff in a Help Case. They can give a good opinion.
The MCG Skin should never show even one pixel of Red (in the MCG Pose) or it will likely be flagged at some point in time. The avatar you used in your example shows Red when using the MCG Testing with the Skin and Pose. Normally this is not UFI but simply AP but CS Staff may have seen something I missed on that avatar.
I hope these help ... Many Creators are confused about all of this and this is intended to help anyone search for re-rate help, minimum coverage guide, AP words vs GA words, etc.
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