We are now in the holiday period where sales traditionally increase. However, they way that MASA works, it only ever increases a small amount at a time. This means creators start building up income that they are unable to withdraw. I have a couple of hundred stuck but there are creators who have built up thousands of dollars. This is income that we have earnt legitimately. Our sales have grown naturally, not through gaming or other bad behaviour. Yet being averaged over 12 months, MASA does not keep up with this growth.
I don't think IMVU understands how dehumanising it is to have our income controlled and withheld like this. We do everything right, we follow IMVU's guidelines, we use the framework that IMVU has provided for people to build a business, yet we are punished for succeeding. IMVU likes to push the Creator Program in its marketing, portraying it as somewhere people can become successful business-people. But in reality, we are left feeling disrespected, devalued, ignored.
In the past IMVU has offered us a 25% MASA increase during the holiday period. This goes some way to getting a little of that trapped money out, and would be greatly appreciated. But on top of that, I would really like to open a discourse with IMVU. The MASA system is not working. If its purpose was to flag unusual sales behaviour, perfect! That makes a lot of sense. But instead it results in creators being punished for success. Something needs to change.
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7 months ago
Posted by “Roy” on December 06, 2023.
I live paycheck to paycheck, when something comes up like my moving expenses or a vet bill, or groceries, and I see I have money sitting there are I get rejected...it is crushing. It has already gone through the whole pending thing, why not let me take it out? I am not trying to sound needy, but I am needy, especially now.
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7 months ago
Posted by “Angelskiss2007” on December 05, 2023.
Totally agree! It would be nice to see the system, if it must stay in place, update to something closer to tiers, where it's based off of the last three months. That would better account for growth spurts (and conversely, declines), still gives plenty of time to detect any anomalies, and would be truer to reality. Unfortunately, I do wonder if those balances sitting on accounts is available to withdraw if the cap magically disappeared. If like to believe it is, Starbucks giftcards style, sitting in a bank account somewhere. I wouldn't be mad about imvu being able to collect interest on that while people wait to pay out, but I do agree, it is unfair to see that there are people who have succeeded and directly contributed to the growth and success of the company not able to access their earnings. (And this all coming as someone who has never been successful long enough to see her cap move from the $500/month minimum cap lol. Even though it might be technically working fine for me since what even are sales anymore, it is easy to recognize and emphasize that the system is broken for others.)
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Posted by “Polystyrene” on December 05, 2023.
[Archived]I think it's time we talked about MASA again.
We are now in the holiday period where sales traditionally increase. However, they way that MASA works, it only ever increases a small amount at a time. This means creators start building up income that they are unable to withdraw. I have a couple of hundred stuck but there are creators who have built up thousands of dollars. This is income that we have earnt legitimately. Our sales have grown naturally, not through gaming or other bad behaviour. Yet being averaged over 12 months, MASA does not keep up with this growth.
I don't think IMVU understands how dehumanising it is to have our income controlled and withheld like this. We do everything right, we follow IMVU's guidelines, we use the framework that IMVU has provided for people to build a business, yet we are punished for succeeding. IMVU likes to push the Creator Program in its marketing, portraying it as somewhere people can become successful business-people. But in reality, we are left feeling disrespected, devalued, ignored.
In the past IMVU has offered us a 25% MASA increase during the holiday period. This goes some way to getting a little of that trapped money out, and would be greatly appreciated. But on top of that, I would really like to open a discourse with IMVU. The MASA system is not working. If its purpose was to flag unusual sales behaviour, perfect! That makes a lot of sense. But instead it results in creators being punished for success. Something needs to change.
2 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Roy” on December 06, 2023.
[Archived]I live paycheck to paycheck, when something comes up like my moving expenses or a vet bill, or groceries, and I see I have money sitting there are I get rejected...it is crushing. It has already gone through the whole pending thing, why not let me take it out? I am not trying to sound needy, but I am needy, especially now.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Angelskiss2007” on December 05, 2023.
[Archived]Totally agree! It would be nice to see the system, if it must stay in place, update to something closer to tiers, where it's based off of the last three months. That would better account for growth spurts (and conversely, declines), still gives plenty of time to detect any anomalies, and would be truer to reality. Unfortunately, I do wonder if those balances sitting on accounts is available to withdraw if the cap magically disappeared. If like to believe it is, Starbucks giftcards style, sitting in a bank account somewhere. I wouldn't be mad about imvu being able to collect interest on that while people wait to pay out, but I do agree, it is unfair to see that there are people who have succeeded and directly contributed to the growth and success of the company not able to access their earnings. (And this all coming as someone who has never been successful long enough to see her cap move from the $500/month minimum cap lol. Even though it might be technically working fine for me since what even are sales anymore, it is easy to recognize and emphasize that the system is broken for others.)
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