[Archived - Yalla] When will we be getting an increase of payout ratio? It has been 0.40$/1000cr for way too long. We need a raise

Posted about 2 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “Yalla” on May 12, 2022.


We should increase creator payout ratio to match the new economy and the inflation. The payout has been 0.4/ 1k for way too long. This unchanged ratio is not interesting anymore to make IMVU a full time job.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LizzieBorden” on September 30, 2023.


@FemmeDraven​ Spot on and I couldn't agree more... I've been here/creating (just shy of) 17 years and they have NEVER given a DAMN about us, and it's only gotten a thousand times worse over the last several years, anyone expecting better or more from imvu is only fooling themselves! It won't get better; IT WON'T, they've gotten away with too much to stop or ever care now...

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Blueskyeye1” on September 29, 2023.


Years ago I had already took into account the rate of inflation and priced my products according to the future. At the time people said my prices were too high. Now moving forward to today's pricing .. I'm right on par. If every creator prices their items according to the rate of inflation then the earnings will balance out.

So example . If an item before was priced at 800 credits. Now when posting new products you would price them at 1400 credits. And with the vcoin posted items costing. Much higher. The pricing of credit items would sustain that.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “FemmeDraven” on September 29, 2023.


If anyone out there actually believes IMVU will ever do anything to benefit the creators I want some of what you're smoking

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on September 29, 2023.


IMVU can't change the exchange rate, as that just cuts into their profits. As inflation goes up, what we all need to be doing is to raise our prices. People will have more money (at least by number), so *technically* our objects will cost them less as the value of the dollar falls. So we need to increase the cost to maintain the same value.


This puts derived items into a special issue, in that we can't raise the prices on those. Not too sure what could be done there.


It might be helpful if IMVU itself just raised the prices of all items automatically based on inflation and passed the appropriate cut of the profits back to us. I *think*, if I'm doing the math correctly, they could do that by lowering the number of credits a user gets per dollar?


So, $0.40/800 credits, instead of $0.40/1000. This would make each credit worth more, therein, combating the fall of the value of the dollar. Since minimum wage is up, and with it all other salaries, this SHOULD make the amount developers get balance out to what it was, pre-Covid inflation.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Nums” on September 29, 2023.


lol no

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “hairflower” on September 28, 2023.


will this ever happen?

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “BunnyCakes” on August 22, 2023.



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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LovedWarrior” on August 14, 2023.

  • IMVU should start catering towards the adults who make money and pay us more than 0.40$/1000cr. Appeal to adults who will love and cherish and use our creations.
  • Stop advertising IMVU for teens and make everything to appeal teens. This will stop most of the reversed transactions because some teens stole money from their parents.
  • Make IMVU for adults. Let teens be your side job. Be a big company by appealing to adults. IMVU is losing a lot of revenue because for some reason they are focusing on teens.
  • IMVU doesn't need to be just an entertainment. It could offer a lot more. I wrote some of my ideas to the Creator Advocate team.
  • You want ideas to make IMVU a better place? Ask your creators / developers. Your developer community is a HUGE group of intelligent and creative people who give their services to you everyday for a very low cash out in return. We make cents from our creations that we worked on for hours or days at times. It would be very unintelligent not to consult them, insult them, disregard them or dispose them as what has been happening lately.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 12, 2023.


Now needed more than ever. Especially if they're going to make us start paying for VIP to earn money.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on October 16, 2022.


I wish they would put these responses in better order, as I don't know what you're responding to.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on October 16, 2022.


I think people here have a very weak grasp of the economics of IMVU. I might have a better one, having done this since 2006. First and foremost, you are NEVER getting a better cut of the money. IMVU doesn't operate their company for free. You might as well ask them to sell their office and move into a broom-closet.


IMVU has a HUGE issue with piracy, which has driven down the value of items to barely over the wholesale. I'm still finding pirated items all over the catalog, and worse yet, huge numbers of clueless NOOBS who have derived from those pirates! This has created an "assumed value" for IMVU items of around 400 to 500 credits, which factoring the whole sale cost of 350 to 500, roughly means if you sell an item for around that cost, you're giving it away for free. If people buy these dirt-cheap stolen items, they spend less credits, which means they BUY less credits. It also means a handful of pre-credits are usually good enough for a shopping day. IMVU sells less credits, we make less credits, we all suffer.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LizzieBorden” on October 15, 2022.


@MaxSMoke777​ Who cares? Right IMVU...

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on October 14, 2022.


This has more to do with the issue then anything else! I was making bank back when open resellers were doing everything, because customers would spend those credits like mad. This high cost of credits is making it my items seem too high priced, and with all of the promo credit giveaways, I'm suffering double loses.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Blueskyeye1” on August 04, 2022.


I agree, With the rate of inflation inreasing to more the double here and around the world it would only make sense to increase the payout 0.40/1000 to 0.80/1000 to reflect the global inflation rates.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “FemmeDraven” on June 14, 2022.


So since I'm leaving in a few months I've taken to a new strategy because I don't care anymore. Any time someone uses promo credits on an item I either change it to Display Only or in some cases I jack the price up by 500 credits. LOL I'm not playin' anymore and if IMVU wants to give free money to all the mobile users they either won't be able to buy my stuff or they'll pay through the nose for it. Good luck getting a pay raise out of IMVU...they gave us all a pay cut when they started handing out predits like candy.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “FemmeDraven” on June 14, 2022.


Yep because that's how they handle things. If a topic gets too heated or they don't feel like dealing with it they either close it down permanently and tell us they'll take our concerns into consideration (lies) or they close it for a couple of weeks in hopes we'll forget about it.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LizzieBorden” on June 14, 2022.


They're just gonna ignore this issue until we forget/go away, (we won't forget/go away IMVU) or they'll just delete it like they do all posts involving this issue?!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “BunnyCakes” on June 13, 2022.



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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Yannomi” on June 03, 2022.


Someone from IMVU Staff maybe could answer here?

I saw the other thread had been closed lately... so maybe at least check on here - and consider some small rise of Our ratio?


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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “FemmeDraven” on June 03, 2022.


IMVU has raised the cost of credits to the consumer and creators are seeing more promo sales than ever before which means IMVU is making more and the creators are making even less. It is time for that to change.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LovedWarrior” on June 02, 2022.


Agreed. I have been saying this since the time they agreed on that amount. It is ridiculous it never changed over the years. It should have changed .50 cent more each year.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Yannomi” on May 24, 2022.


I sign it with both hands. Everywhere, all over the world - salaries are growing, prices are growing ... and on IMVU - the same rate for x years .. if other things can be justified by inflation, economy - why not salaries for designers?




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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LizzieBorden” on May 21, 2022.


I agree, it's way past time honestly!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “4u” on May 20, 2022.


IMVU could start setting the minimum mark up used on promoted accounts and products, so that pricing becomes the new normal, not this race to the bottom.


@susuke Sadly it's more than many developers were getting, I've seen the open market drop to as low as 25 per 100k back when we had resellers. Those of us that were partnered with resellers got more, I was on $48 per 100k from one and $42 from another but if you weren't partnered it was basically take what you could get.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Pawlu” on May 20, 2022.


I agree especially after so much hard work creators put their effort to their creations.

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