[Archived - Ayame] How a live support can help us, the creators?

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Community Admin

Posted by “Ayame” on August 09, 2023.



I would like to know what a live support can help us with, several years ago, every time I had a problem, the live support could not help me and re-directed me to another department. This happened today too when I asked a support to help me approve 3 products and his answer was that "the products were given to another department because they cannot approve products". I asked her what kind of products they can approve so that I would know in the future when I make a ticket under category Submitting an item and the answer was that she "can't give me this information". Until today I thought that the support is here to help us and answer to our questions about imvu, for example in past i had some problems, with earn money, vip, transfering DEV TOKENS(NOT CREDITS but seems that they dont know the difference between them), disabled account and many more, they never helped me, they always gave me a link to open another ticket.


We also heard that some of the Live Supports no longer approve our products because of the MCG. Please, can you give us a list of the bodies that do not have the modified MCG? Because at this moment in IMVU you are afraid to create something because your product can be re-rated as AP and your money can be taken from the account. Can you please show us an example of how our products should look? I understand that you will not care because the money will still remain in your account, but we unknowingly wake up without it. From the description on your website, I understood that the MCG map must cover the red area, and we cover it, however our products receive RE-Rate and I am 100% sure that you do not even check the products. I know I'm asking too much, but can you show some interest for us creators as well? In imvu at the moment there are many creators, not only those with whom you have been collaborating for years, it would be nice if you could help us too, not like you do with those you collaborate with, but at least inform us what changes, which bodies we can use to avoid the re-rate, when there are problems with PayPal and other things that would make our work easier and more fun.

@RigsK​ @EMpulse​ 

Thank you!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on August 14, 2023.


Great suggestion @ShopTina​!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “ShopTina” on August 13, 2023.


@Meeows For the MCG clarity, I suggest a click through activated tutorial/video with a small multiple choice quiz (with moving answers) after the walk through. the quiz can cover things like what is the GA rating for, This item (random item here) should be rated what based on it's submission? and so on. I think it could help train the up and coming raters in peer review, and give us oldbies refreshers on these classes.


just my 2 cents.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Meeows” on August 10, 2023.


I appreciate your engagement on this topic @LadyBarbiee​!


Regarding the need for specialists to review AP-rated products: The process of peer review for products, especially those with Adult-Only (AP) content, is a crucial step to ensure that the content adheres to IMVU's guidelines and standards. The involvement of specialists ensures that a thorough assessment is conducted, guaranteeing that no violations are present and that the product is suitable for the platform. It's not just about triggers; even seemingly simple AP content requires careful evaluation to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for all users.


Customer satisfaction surveys: All valid points and open feedback like this provide better insights into things. What may have worked back then might not make sense today, so this is something that is definitely worth re-evaluating.  


Manipulated MCG: At this moment, we do not have enough information to provide a comprehensive explanation regarding the issue at hand. Nevertheless, we acknowledge the challenges and complexities that are involved in this matter. Rest assured that we are engaged in ongoing discussions and committed to providing additional details and clarity on this topic.


Through open discussions like these, we can improve our services and ensure that the IMVU experience remains positive and enriching for all users. Thank you again for being an engaged member of our community. We'll keep your feedback in mind as we continue to enhance our platform.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LadyBarbiee” on August 10, 2023.


Hi @Meeows​. Thanks for your input on the open theme. I am curious to know why specialists need to review AP-rated products? Same as @Ayame​ recently I opened a case to ask support to help me approve 1 product - an AP-rated product, and the response was "This product has been escalated to our proper department to pass peer review. You can contact us back after 6 hours for an update." It was a normal AP bodysuit, with no triggers... why?


Customer satisfaction surveys: Please allow us to rate support agents after every closed case. ATM, you can rate only once in 14 days. How is this giving the right information about customer satisfaction and solved vs. non-solved problems if we are unable to leave our feedback for every case? Today I might go and ask to help me pass a peer for 1 product, agent will help me and I will award that same agent... Tomorrow I might open a new, more important, and serious case where agent will ignore my questions, answer as a robot and ignore all of my concerns (this happened more than once) but I won't be able to "complain" because yesterday or 13 days ago I gave a good rating to some other agent.


Manipulated MCG: When it comes to manipulated MCG I believe that every creator by now is familiar with this problem. Still, how can we use mesh bodies (no need to say which ones) for several years, and now we are seeing our old products being re-rated from GA to AP? These mesh bodies passed peer review as they are several years ago! I know some creators who lost a lot of money recently because of IMVU re-rating old products. If the problem is in bodies submitted in the past then yes, give us a list of the bodies that do not have the modified MCG, help us somehow, because ATM it feels as whatever we do - we will eventually be punished.



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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Meeows” on August 09, 2023.


Hi @Ayame​. Thank you so much for letting us know about your concerns. We truly appreciate your honesty and want to make sure you always have a positive experience with us. If you ever feel like our support could be better, please don't hesitate to let us know in our customer satisfaction surveys. We're always trying to find ways to improve and make our customers happier. 


Sometimes, our support agents may need to bring in a specialist to review your case or will need the case to go to the Earn Money Team, especially if it's a specific Creator topic. We're also working on making our Peer Review and MCG guidelines clearer so everyone knows exactly what to expect. While it's not typical for us to pass products in Peer Review, we've done so as a courtesy in the past. However, we've recently seen some manipulative MCG coverage, so our agents must involve a specialist to ensure the right rating is given. 


By the way, we wanted to let you know that our specialist has approved the products you requested for Peer Review this morning. Thanks again for your feedback!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on August 09, 2023.


Hi @Ayame​, thank you for bringing this up. We will forward this to our customer service and earn money teams for visibility. Regarding the MCG question, we are working on making the guidelines more clear and will let everyone know once they are completed. Thank you for your patience!

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