[Archived - akin] DMCA copyright violation notice

Posted about 2 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “akin” on April 01, 2023.


I recently received an DMCA on a room derived in 2021. The room was derived from a big mesher, from which I saw that his mesh received an DMCA.

My room was a simple derivation with color change, the user who dmca, maybe had something agaisnt it, but there are no verifications regarding this? Everyday, people steal textures, meshes, GA items with no MCG map are on top pages and those aren't hidden or dmca, but just a simple Multiply layer color over the map provided by the meshers gets dmca?


I am trying to keep my account clean, I haven't added brand or anything. I would have agreed from DMCA/IMVU to simply say for me to hide my product, or them to hide it, not to received a dmca on it, because the mesher got DMCA.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on April 25, 2023.


Exactly. They don't do this leg work themselves since there are so many. They wait for us to give them PID's and authorisation. I think they can't use common sense since that's too easy to twist.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on April 22, 2023.


You need to file a counter claim - that's just how the DMCA process works, as annoying as it is.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “akin” on April 22, 2023.


Seems that the mesher got his product out of dmca and available in shop, but my simple derivation is still on hold by dmca, for a simple color change. Shouldn’t dmca “un-dmca” all products that were dmca for no reason along with the mesh? Why should I waste time with dmca agent in this case when I haven’t done anything wrong?

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on April 12, 2023.


There are no verifications with DMCA takedowns, they're automatic, which is very annoying. Someone just DMCA'd my scaler products because they were using similar %numbers for the x,y,z scales... it's annoying and a big waste of time to share out personal contact locations with strangers across the globe.


The whole purpose of the DMCA, from my understanding, is to collect personal information for taking people to court, and gives people the chance to stop before it gets there. The person who DMCA'd you probably didn't want to message every person to politely ask first, and just dmca'd everyone. I just hope they didn't have to create a separate email for each lol I kinda feel really bad for them lol

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on April 04, 2023.


If part or all of the derivable mesh was stolen, then any derives from it are also using stolen assets and the owner is well within their rights to file a DMCA takedown.


You don't need to worry about your account - it takes a LOT of DMCAs for IMVU to disable an account.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 01, 2023.


Hi @akin​ It sounds like you are doing things correctly. However, the DMCA Process for Copyright infraction is a legal question. We aren't allowed and shouldn't talk about legal issues here in the public Discussions.


Creators can surf the web to find the actual DMCA laws. If you think you need consultation, talk to a competent legal adviser.


IMVU Staff has a post regrading this Here: https://help.imvu.com/s/question/0D54p000028qBVVCA2/ Also, you may find the Help Article handy it is Here: http://im.vu/help950


I hope something helps...


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