[Archived - Unequal] Skin guidelines have changed?

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “Unequal” on June 04, 2022.


I've just seen the latest "making a skin product video" and this particular line stood out to me;

(Source - https://create.imvu.com/articles/studio/making-a-skin-product/)

(3:00 in the video)


"GA skins are not supposed to include genitalia, and if you are to make an AP skin, you can simply turn off this layer to reveal all body parts."

(MCG layer found on the original files for context)


  • Should we all be creating both GA and AP versions of all skins now? What happens to the 40k+ pages of skins that haven't followed this rule?
  • Does that mean if we are to cover skins, MCG on clothing now becomes redundant?


I'm confused and concerned about this.

Would love someone to clear this up!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on July 02, 2022.


When I joined IMVU back in 2007 all skins that included nips and genitals were to be AP on skins, period. A lot of creators were like "I don't want to submit two versions of the skin - isn't that the point of the MCG layers??" And IMVU kind of relented.


I imagine due to the increase in "bugged" clothing that can cause a glitch to reveal the body underneath even WITH proper MCG placed on the original item - they're probably going back to the idea of Barbie and Ken style skins for GA and the nips and genitals being forced back to AP only skins because of those who are using glitches and other workarounds to have nudity when they don't have AP.


This, however, would be dumb because I'd venture to say that around 98% of all the skins currently in the catalog [at least on the female side] would have to immediately be made AP which would strip people's inventories if they're still GA and it would also destroy creator's catalogs, especially long time skin makers.


But yes, there was a time that skins with "Detail" [as they often worded it] were considered AP for including it at all. And GA skins were Barbie Dolls.


Honestly, this was probably NOT a misspeak on IMVU's part at all. Because this technically has always been the rule, it just wasn't really enforced due to the sheer number of people going "No that's ridiculous".

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “BunnyCakes” on June 13, 2022.


I also saw this in the video and I was like "That's weird". Poly, you are right this is some misunderstanding.


Someone who gave the directions for the video doesn't know how skins are submitted and how they already fit into the GA/AP guidelines.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on June 08, 2022.


This has never been the case before as it's not possible to see included genitalia without having the AP. I wonder if there was a misunderstanding - it wouldn't be the first time IMVU hasn't correctly understood how its products work.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MsPixelicious” on June 07, 2022.


all GA rated clothing items will cover the relevant 'naughty bits'

isnt that the point of skins being 'automatically' GA rated by the nature of the system?

for anyone to 'go' GA theyd HAVE to be clothed in a GA rated way - with CLOTHING to cover the red zones...yes?

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