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Community Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on March 25, 2022.


Developers could be missing out on sales, and expanding being creative. For members like myself who suffer migraines suffer photosensitivity, i am having to skip pages in the shops because of the drop flash images that go of like flash photography, if you are unlucky to have products that fall on this page i like many other members skip the pages.

We find it hard to even search for new meshes, since this is written in the tos about being considerate to members health can we please do something about these. I know many members who find these hurtful on the eyes and the fact that the speed that these actually go breaks the tos rules. Each moving image in gif should have a delay by so many seconds these break the tos .

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on May 15, 2022.

  • Flashing images should not flicker faster than three times per second
  • Flashing images should not be displayed for a total duration of more than two seconds
  • Flashing images must have at least a two second pause between each series of flashes
  • Flashing images should not have high luminosity (bright or neon colors)
  • Flashing images should not involve bright colors alternating with dark, or light bars against a dark background
  • Flashing images should not have intense red flashing with any other color
  • Stripes, whirls and concentric circles should not take up more than 25% of the image If you are concerned about PSE, you may wish to use the Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT) to assess PSE risks in your content prior to submitting it to the catalog. PEAT can be downloaded here IMVU does not endorse or promote this tool and only provides information about this tool for your convenience. IMVU does not make any representations or warranties regarding such tool.


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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on May 15, 2022.


Why isn't this taken seriously by cs staff why bother to have the pse tick box if cs don't even bother to even check. Since ga items that should be AP would cause a problem for imvu the pse wouldnt it only causes a problem for certain members and its as if they don't count.

I find this totally discriminate to the members it does effect it is a disability. Each gift picture used in shops should have a certain time length between each frame these flash images break imvu tos why is it it being aloud.

Is it that the cs are not trained enough to recognise this then the time frame between each gift then should at least be taught. You want members to participate in peer well its not good when we have to view these and it can cause fits and migraines. @Jeff​  I have flagged many images with the strobe drop style images nothing is ever done they are still in the shops. So can i ask why, being a member of imvu for 13 years this is not being addressed.

Not enough staff not enough knowledge at least make us understand why this isn't against imvu tos because it makes the rules a laughing stock if nothing is done.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on April 06, 2022.


in boxed*

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on April 06, 2022.


Just an update i have unboxed rigsk also the imvu tutorials at the beginning have 2 flashes, this wont be good then looking at a white screen to watch a tutorial a set up for fits and migraines. I also sent information on these flash images in the shops an to see if we can bring in something to stop them as it cant be much fun for staff having to watch these daily if they suffer to. Fingers crossed we get a result as myself and others cant even go hunting much for meshes because of these, i usually stick with safe devs that are much kinder to the eyes.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on March 27, 2022.


@RigsK​ I hope you can look into this for us as this is a ongoing concern for many members as well as developers. I can imagine also imvu staff who suffer from this also it cant be much fun who will have to look at these if flagged.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on March 25, 2022.


Yes, I notice this too. I think IMVU was on the "right track" when they gave us the option to Stop animated icons in the Classic inventory. I wish they had given similar in the HTML Catalog. I do believe this is the main reason *why* IMVU went to the white icons (that everybody hates). I think they went overboard.


At one point in time IMVU talked about removing animated Gifs, altogether (before Varsha left). It was agreed a simple solution was to use the first frame of any animated icon as the icon. (Good idea? I liked it). Because of this, most creators were preparing for IMVU to do something by placing their "Best Frame" of an animated GIF first in the animation. Instead IMVU came out with the computer generated White Icons ;(


I have animated icons in my catalog but I have mine slowed way down! I hate the STROBE Light Icons... When I decided to make animated icons, I felt one snapshot was not good enough to display products. I never though IMVU would remove the ability to take *any* snapshot at all for our icons (white icons).


There is no place on this planet where merchants are not allowed to place a product picture in their catalog.


Back to the strobe light icons, I have tested (with IMVU provided tool) and flagged a TON of these "strobe light" icons. I do not recall any of them ever being removed or rated to UFI. This is sad.


Yes, I am sure many creators get passed-over as their products are next to these strobe style icons. Something beside the computer generated white icons should be done!

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