XXL, XL, DLC, BRZ, BFX, BF, BBB, BB, AF, TXS, TXM, TXL, TXXL all stand for?
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6 months ago
Posted by “ATSteele” on March 11, 2022.
If you really desire more clarification, contact the creator who labeled their derivable with that designation to get their reasoning for their names. IMVU does not have a standard governing this, nor do they have any control over the mesh creators.
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6 months ago
Posted by “ATSteele” on March 11, 2022.
Honestly, I think the size is specific to whatever the mesher has deemed it to be. There does not seem to be any real correlation or standard from one creator to the next. Sometimes you may even see variations in the sizes of a single mesher. Meshes can vary, Your best bet is really to find a mesh creator with derivables that are generally consistent and stick with deriving from their meshes, or shopping derivations of those derivables.
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6 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on March 08, 2022.
Hi @Rozay1982 I don't think there is any one standard set. In fact, someone using some of those found their products in the catalog along side other creator's products. Some of these are used by some creators so much, it is mainly their catalog that shows in the search.
Posted by “Persephone1982” on March 08, 2022.
[Archived]What does RLS, RL, RLL,
XXL, XL, DLC, BRZ, BFX, BF, BBB, BB, AF, TXS, TXM, TXL, TXXL all stand for?
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “ATSteele” on March 11, 2022.
[Archived]If you really desire more clarification, contact the creator who labeled their derivable with that designation to get their reasoning for their names. IMVU does not have a standard governing this, nor do they have any control over the mesh creators.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “ATSteele” on March 11, 2022.
[Archived]Honestly, I think the size is specific to whatever the mesher has deemed it to be. There does not seem to be any real correlation or standard from one creator to the next. Sometimes you may even see variations in the sizes of a single mesher. Meshes can vary, Your best bet is really to find a mesh creator with derivables that are generally consistent and stick with deriving from their meshes, or shopping derivations of those derivables.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on March 08, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @Rozay1982 I don't think there is any one standard set. In fact, someone using some of those found their products in the catalog along side other creator's products. Some of these are used by some creators so much, it is mainly their catalog that shows in the search.
Another post of similar content is located Here: https://help.imvu.com/s/question/0D54p00002QqFlxCAF/
Hope this helps...
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