I am a long time virtual resident from the platform SecondLife. I’ve come to IMVU after a looong hiatus, as family I’ve made on instagram also love to use IMVU.
However, it is disheartening and disgusting to see content from SecondLife being ripped and sold for profit on IMVU. I personally know creators from SL, and I am a creator myself.
How do I report stolen content? When I clock report, the options are inappropriate or not working- I’ve chosen “inappropriate” but I’m not allowed to go into further detail.
For example, I’ve found the same bear from a year old’s valentine release on here. I’ve contacted the original creator, who plans to file DCMAs.
In the few hours I’ve been here, my eyes have been plagued by many ripped products. What system does IMVU have in place to protect virtual creators?
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Sorted by
6 months ago
Posted by “DarkAngel5” on February 20, 2022.
Hi @LoverofCold , only the real owner can take action. You can report it to the real owner who in turn can use the DMCA process.
Posted by “LoverofCold” on February 20, 2022.
[Archived]I am a long time virtual resident from the platform SecondLife. I’ve come to IMVU after a looong hiatus, as family I’ve made on instagram also love to use IMVU.
However, it is disheartening and disgusting to see content from SecondLife being ripped and sold for profit on IMVU. I personally know creators from SL, and I am a creator myself.
How do I report stolen content? When I clock report, the options are inappropriate or not working- I’ve chosen “inappropriate” but I’m not allowed to go into further detail.
For example, I’ve found the same bear from a year old’s valentine release on here. I’ve contacted the original creator, who plans to file DCMAs.
In the few hours I’ve been here, my eyes have been plagued by many ripped products. What system does IMVU have in place to protect virtual creators?
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “DarkAngel5” on February 20, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @LoverofCold , only the real owner can take action. You can report it to the real owner who in turn can use the DMCA process.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Polystyrene” on February 20, 2022.
[Archived]DMCA is your only option.
0 Votes