[Archived - NaughtiMissy] How can u be sure when you derive a pose that its a legitamite pose (not a stolen one) .... especially when the chain is hidden... ?

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “NaughtiMissy” on December 19, 2021.


my friend got in trouble because she derived from a pose in the shop not knowing that pose was stolen.... so how do i know if a pose is legit so i dont get in trouble

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on December 20, 2021.


Honestly you can never really be sure (unless you only ever derive from people you know for sure are creating their own products). A hidden derive chain makes things look suspicious but it's not a definite sign of theft. But you don't need to worry about getting an occasional DMCA - IMVU can see that you just derived the product and weren't the account that stole it, plus it takes a LOT of DMCAs before IMVU takes any action other than just removing the product.

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