@AnaGreystone​ I feel ya, I have entered several of these so called contests, I finally gave up because the winners are almost always like you mentioned or some really basic new user kind of thing. While I toiled for hours Texturing altering and making my own Opacities for my project and not even get a mention so I stopped falling for it. I will maybe just start doing ZCD too and just spend days filling up my catalog with stuff I didnt have a thing to do with creatively as well.
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7 months ago
Posted by “WlNONA” on November 04, 2021.
Congratulations to all.Awesome work everyone!
As of you missy @AnaGreystone,if you can't handle that you haven't been choosen you should look what your fault is,don't bash others.What exactly are you in here?The police?
Talk to IMVU,call them,send an email.But don't bash other creators.Shame on you!​Anyone can see you are jealous at people,try at least to hide it a bit.
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7 months ago
Posted by “FashionHause” on November 02, 2021.
I am flabbergasted at the fact that someone can be runner up on a fit that was copied from a fall featured creator. Exact same fit, no changes in textures, nothing and yet when someone paints their own textures and takes time and actually uses their god given talent you all just skip over it like it is nothing. so i see now how this all works. You can resubmit someone else's work and call it your own and that is perfectly legal, you can have 10 different accounts and create on all of them swapping textures between accounts and that too is perfectly legal, anything else i need to know before i sink more money into a program that is not giving back to me even a fraction of what i put into it?
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Posted by “RigsK” on November 02, 2021.
[Archived]Congratulations to the Winners and Runners Up of our 2021 Halloween Creator Contest! Also a huge thank you to all who entered. Great everyone!
Winner 1:
Name - Beaty
Category - Fantastical Fashion
Product - !MWitch Bundle Orange!
Winner 2:
Name - NgKen1
Category - Pet and Pet Costume
Products - Halloween Bat
Winner 3:
Name - Pharmacist
Category - Haunted Hideaway
Products - Ruined Some Where, +Some Where Bridge+, +Some Where Waterfall+, Looking Up, +Holding a Tree+, HandsHoldingCorner, Tall Tree
Name - HypnoticAura
Category - Fantastical Fashion
Name - xllAllx
Category - Fantastical Fashion
Products - [A] Grim Reaper Kit, Grim Reaper Avatar
Name - Piinatsu
Category - Fantastical Fashion
Products - *P* The Boogeyma'am -SET
Name - CleanDRV
Category - Fantastical Fashion
Products - (M) DONDE! V1, (M) DONDE! V2, (M) DONDE! V3, (M) DONDE! V4
Name - 2FY
Category - Fantastical Fashion
Name - Deadeyes
Category - Fantastical Fashion
Products - Witch Bundle
Name - xllAllx
Category - Pet and Pet Costume
Products - Pumpkin Witch, [A]Floating Little Ghost
Name - Monks
Category - Pet and Pet Costume
Products - Halloween Puppy
Name - Bojan
Category - Haunted Hideaway
Products - Doorstep Halloween
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “GothabillyVix” on November 07, 2021.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “VixSinKitty” on November 07, 2021.
[Archived]@AnaGreystone​ I feel ya, I have entered several of these so called contests, I finally gave up because the winners are almost always like you mentioned or some really basic new user kind of thing. While I toiled for hours Texturing altering and making my own Opacities for my project and not even get a mention so I stopped falling for it. I will maybe just start doing ZCD too and just spend days filling up my catalog with stuff I didnt have a thing to do with creatively as well.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “WlNONA” on November 04, 2021.
[Archived]Congratulations to all.Awesome work everyone!
As of you missy @AnaGreystone,if you can't handle that you haven't been choosen you should look what your fault is,don't bash others.What exactly are you in here?The police?
Talk to IMVU,call them,send an email.But don't bash other creators.Shame on you!​Anyone can see you are jealous at people,try at least to hide it a bit.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FashionHause” on November 02, 2021.
[Archived]I am flabbergasted at the fact that someone can be runner up on a fit that was copied from a fall featured creator. Exact same fit, no changes in textures, nothing and yet when someone paints their own textures and takes time and actually uses their god given talent you all just skip over it like it is nothing. so i see now how this all works. You can resubmit someone else's work and call it your own and that is perfectly legal, you can have 10 different accounts and create on all of them swapping textures between accounts and that too is perfectly legal, anything else i need to know before i sink more money into a program that is not giving back to me even a fraction of what i put into it?
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