I have about 1.6 million credits currently sitting in my account. This was before I got accepted into the earn money program, and I'm wondering if I made a product that cost 500k, gifted it a couple of times, and let it convert to $$ if that's against the rules? It feels weird thinking I may be stuck with such a large amount of credits for 0 reasons. I know selling credits is strictly against the rules, but what about this?
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7 months ago
Posted by “DarkAngel5” on October 12, 2021.
Hi @nursekitten​, no it's not allowed. IMVU generally removes creators who do so from the earn program. Thanks
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Posted by “nursekitten” on October 12, 2021.
[Archived]I have about 1.6 million credits currently sitting in my account. This was before I got accepted into the earn money program, and I'm wondering if I made a product that cost 500k, gifted it a couple of times, and let it convert to $$ if that's against the rules? It feels weird thinking I may be stuck with such a large amount of credits for 0 reasons. I know selling credits is strictly against the rules, but what about this?
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “DarkAngel5” on October 12, 2021.
[Archived]Hi @nursekitten​, no it's not allowed. IMVU generally removes creators who do so from the earn program. Thanks
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