[Archived - Chocolat] Could two products published separately with different mesh ID but with the same Material numbers affect it?

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Community Admin

Posted by “Chocolat” on April 09, 2024.


Hello meshers! I am clear about what the mesh ID is, for example for Upperbodys [2] and for bottoms [5]. But my doubt is the material number.


For example, if I have an UpperBody with the number 01,02,03 of materials. And apart from another Bottom product with material 01,02,03, would there be any problems? being different products


I see that some body creators use a specific number for each part and do not repeat them, while others do. So that has me wondering. That is the origin of my doubt ^-^ Could someone explain to me if this influences anything from experience?


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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on July 21, 2024.


No, because each product is basically treated as it's own entity, everything is used/rendered relative to that (the system would have collapsed long ago otherwise!).

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “ANDZELICA” on May 24, 2024.


no it shouldnt affect it .if the mesh id is different material ids can be same

example - hat mesh id 86 ( containing 3 materials ) 1, 2, 3

top mesh id 87 ( containing 3 materials) 1,2,3

and skirt mesh id 88 ( containing 3 materials ) 1,2,3

wont give you problems and will not interract with each other

problems will start if you put same mesh id on example- hat mesh id 86

skirt mesh id 86 , top mesh id 86 . hope that explains . also dont ovverride body parts unless you need them to be ovverriden for like shoes or ect . so for mesh ids use anything above 21. as for materials as long as they seperate meshes dosnt matter .

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “qulo” on April 27, 2024.


Dependiendo la parte del cuerpo que uses y el derivable que derives si afectan los números de los materiales, por ejemplo cuando derivas un avatar y le quieres meter una mesh ahí los id recomendables son [0],[1],[9],[10],[11]... etc

porque cuando pones el [2][4] se sincroniza con la skin de la cara ojos y asi, se bugea la textura por mucho que la cambies.


Haciendo por ejemplo una prenda que lleve una parte de cuerpo debes usar el numero [6] porque hará que se sincronice con la skin que lleve el avatar o también usar la piel compuesta usando cualquier id depende de cada creador, pero si depende el numero del material dependiendo el derivable y también dependiendo el numero tiene prioridad el modo mezcla para que no se vea transparente, me refiero a que si un id [0] tiene modo mezcla y arriba de el hay un [10] en modo mezcla no pasara nada, en cambio si el id [10] esta primero y después el [0] arriba de el se vera transparente porque hay una prioridad de id por eso en las prendas que llevan capas los ponen en [0] [1] [2] y después la mesh en el [40] para que no pase lo que te digo

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “qulo” on April 27, 2024.


Depending on the body part you use and the derived item you apply, it can affect the material numbers. For example, when you derive an avatar and want to add a mesh to it, the recommended IDs are [0], [1], [9], [10], [11], etc. This is because when you use [2], it syncs with the facial skin and causes texture bugs no matter how much you change it.


For instance, when creating clothes that cover a body part, you should use the number [6] to the body parts because it will synchronize with the avatar's skin, or you can also use composite skin using any ID depending on each creator.

However, the material number does depend on the derived item, and depending on the number, the blending mode takes priority to prevent transparency. I mean that if ID [0] has a blending mode and ID [10] is above it with a blending mode, nothing will happen. However, if ID [10] is first and then [0] above it, it will appear transparent because there is an ID priority. That's why in clothes that have layers, they are placed in [0], [1], [2], and then the mesh in [40] to avoid what I'm telling you.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 12, 2024.


If two products with two separate Product IDs have the same Material ID, there is no issue.

If you have two Mesh within the same product ID, there will be an issue.


Don't confuse Body Part IDs with Material IDs :)


Hope this helps.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on April 10, 2024.


I am fairly certain that the answer is that material IDs that are the same on different products should not affect one another, but I will check with our engineers.

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