[Archived - CSCreations] Is anyone using Marvelous designer to make clothing meshes from scratch and then finishes them in Blender do they can be uploaded to Studio and not have hiccups such as clipping unexpectedly seems not closed?
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Posted by “CSCreations” on March 22, 2022.
[Archived]I am really interested in starting to mesh my own clothing, but Blender is very complicated for me, So we got looking around and I am trying out Marvelous Designer, it's a reasonable cost for me, and it makes sense since I have been sowing stuff since I was little. My husband ends up helping me when I upload it back into Blender, so I can make my texture maps and weigh it to the bones and all that jazz. I really would love to see more on that. Heck, I would love for IMVU to have an Avatar file already set up to be uploaded into MD so I don't have to use the one I had to edit in Blender ( turned out bright red for some reason when I loaded it but it still works) I would love to have someone else to bounce ideas off and solve issues using MD and Blender that has experiences in making clothing meshes, how to weigh them and how to reduce the poly count while keeping a good looking mesh.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on May 18, 2022.
[Archived]After much sales investigation, I am seeing most of my promo sales are from new non-returning users.
Going back 3 months, I see most of these people (promo spenders) have Not Logged back in for over 10 days. This one by one process is tedious and takes a long time to count. Many/Most and never logged back in again (in 3 months).
IMVU? It is too easy to make an account, join, get free promos, look for a one night of "fun" then forget that account and make a new account. Do the same all over again. As Polly says "Wash, Rinse and Repeat"! These people will NEVER spend real money and should Not be attracted to IMVU.
Fix for this? IDK A Great Reduction in this? Easy Require a Real Email account. Send a email code when they join. Upon Login Verify the Email with the code. This is so common, now. At least the hassle of making a new email account for every avatar created will greatly reduce the One Nighters...
We need to be promoting the Community of IMVU. Promoting the side of IMVU that encourages users to become involved with all aspects of IMVU and everything it has to offer.
Mobile users are temporary one nighters and most never become a real community members.
Real Community Members buy Credits, Upgrades, Room Slots, VIP Hosting, and products with Real Credits and Real MONEY! Once they have created their own Realm and established their regular friend base, they become a permanent resident! They become Part of IMVU and Not to just Use IMVU.
In my opinion is...
Mobile Users are a "One Night Stand" users. They do not spend real money.
IMVU needs to concentrate more on attracting real Community Residents.
Thanks for listening
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “jazzKat” on April 28, 2022.
[Archived]Why you no ask in Discord
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