This has been happening for a couple of days now where sometimes i can’t send a message back. My internet is fine i can play other games and watch movies and stuff. And i know i am not blocked because i can see their post and i can see that i am following them.
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7 months ago
Posted by “JAM” on June 17, 2024.
Hi @l0v3rrrrr, here is a list of reasons why messages are not sent:
1. A user has blocked us- the user does not want to be contacted
2. A user has set their messages to Friends Only- you must be a friend to contact the user/send them a friend request
3. A user is under 18- adults are kept separate from minors
4. We are spamming messages to quickly- IMVU limits messages to prevent spamming/take a break from IMVU try again in a few hours
5. Our internet connection is weak or not working- refresh connection/move to a new location
6. There may be an issue with the software- uninstall/clear application data/then reinstall
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Posted by “l0v3rrrrr” on June 13, 2024.
[Archived]This has been happening for a couple of days now where sometimes i can’t send a message back. My internet is fine i can play other games and watch movies and stuff. And i know i am not blocked because i can see their post and i can see that i am following them.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “JAM” on June 17, 2024.
[Archived]Hi @l0v3rrrrr, here is a list of reasons why messages are not sent:
1. A user has blocked us- the user does not want to be contacted
2. A user has set their messages to Friends Only- you must be a friend to contact the user/send them a friend request
3. A user is under 18- adults are kept separate from minors
4. We are spamming messages to quickly- IMVU limits messages to prevent spamming/take a break from IMVU try again in a few hours
5. Our internet connection is weak or not working- refresh connection/move to a new location
6. There may be an issue with the software- uninstall/clear application data/then reinstall
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