my account has been on hold for sometime now. Since last year around the summertime. They said that all they needed was to verify if the account is mine well I gave the all three of my card numbers a picture of me and my ID both together and separately. I gave them the names of my accounts and everything. Then they started telling me oh your account was on hold bc of a dollar that didn’t rank up right on cash app . And that was one of the days that cash app was down I did contact cash app and they spoke with Imvu for me and fixed it I also spent the extra dollar on the game again and it went through so there’s no reason I should owe money. But the person who’s supposed to unblock my account said that I needed to pay a ten dollar admin fee for some reason and won’t tell me why or give me proof on why I should do so so please someone enlighten me .
[Mod Edit-Nifi]
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2 months ago
Posted by “Nifi” on January 11, 2024.
Hi @JadesTakeova, please keep all the conversation in your Ticket as this is user to user discussions area so you can respond to your Ticket in order to get further assistance. Thanks
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Posted by “JadesTakeova” on January 06, 2024.
[Archived]my account has been on hold for sometime now. Since last year around the summertime. They said that all they needed was to verify if the account is mine well I gave the all three of my card numbers a picture of me and my ID both together and separately. I gave them the names of my accounts and everything. Then they started telling me oh your account was on hold bc of a dollar that didn’t rank up right on cash app . And that was one of the days that cash app was down I did contact cash app and they spoke with Imvu for me and fixed it I also spent the extra dollar on the game again and it went through so there’s no reason I should owe money. But the person who’s supposed to unblock my account said that I needed to pay a ten dollar admin fee for some reason and won’t tell me why or give me proof on why I should do so so please someone enlighten me .
[Mod Edit-Nifi]
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Community posted 2 months ago Admin
Posted by “Nifi” on January 11, 2024.
[Archived]Hi @JadesTakeova, please keep all the conversation in your Ticket as this is user to user discussions area so you can respond to your Ticket in order to get further assistance. Thanks
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