[Archived - ChristossAlex] I'm trying to upload photos to the feed and it won't let me, saying,

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “ChristossAlex” on August 15, 2024.


I'm trying to upload photos to the feed and it won't let me, saying, (One or more items in the scene are in a state that cannot be uploaded to the feed. Please try again later.) Lately, we've been seeing a lot of issues in the game for no reason . We don't know what is causing these problems, but you should fix them. Every day, something new is presented, whereas before these problems did not exist.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Nifi” on August 19, 2024.


Hi @ChristossAlex​, the detected AP message is due to one of the following:


1. You are wearing something that is adult only. Remove the adult-only product.

2. A product you are wearing is in Peer Review. Once it passes you will be able to post to the Feed. It can take 1 to 7 days to pass review.


Main topic here: https://help.imvu.com/s/question/0D54p00002Bre2TCAR/



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