Posted 6 months ago by oxPrincessLeighxo

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they don't continuously show as BLOCKED ?

 NOW, I know I just blocked this BOT/SHOUT OUT person and look what happens

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Guest posted 6 months ago

Bots on this website are absolutely out of hand. It's one of the three reasons (the others being awful, slow, illiterate customer support and lack of account security) I left years ago, and despite seeing some changes and care put into IMVU, it has only gotten worse since. I've noticed now these people who "do shoutouts" (sell bot follows and likes) do zero-change derivations from popular creators, rack up the price 10-30x, and throw those on their wishlist so those desperate for follows and likes (lol) gift them their own catalog items for maximum profit. It's just stealing from the creators with hard-earned skills who actually contribute to the community and IMVU as a business. They either do that or straight up ask for money via Paypal. Because we all know 5,000 separate, totally real individuals will simultaneously start liking and following your feed because you gifted/paid one person, right? RightI reached out to CS about it, and nothing--they're fine with watching what's left of the community be consumed by bots and scammers, I guess.

2 Votes


BadCharm posted 6 months ago

desperately need a whole new set of rules addressing spam and sale of followers and likes. this is а direct TOS violation and not what this platform is about, and since you cant close that loophole, where anyone can create an account without any confirmation, providing non-existed emails, or simple reCAPTCHA during registration, this nonsense will never stop. this is beyond annoying!! And over the last 2-3 month it's gone beyond the point when anyone can take it without aggression. As a creator, I would make a post with my new products and comment myself with links to products. Today, my posts have some over 400 comments and literally I can spend whole day just coming in and removing them.. one by one... So, I start blocking... over 40 accounts blocked in one day from the new post I made, clearly stating, that I will flag for spam and block every comment.  those automated scripts don't care, more and more comments coming in. How hard is it to make an option on posts to disable comments? 

so I block account, comments seem to disappear, but then they are not. refresh and they all visible. another refresh, half is gone, another refresh, they all gone again... this is only indicates that programming of this functionality is weak, not fully tested and left alone by your team of programmers as is. this is also explains, why such a simple functionality that everyone is asking for month/years still never implemented. You guys really need to rethink your workflow and make a priority addressing bugs, spam, harassments and simple and useful thigs instead of bring in new tiers of VIP. ( i paid for diamond for a year via support few weeks before emerald was introduced and cant do simple upgrade and pay the difference, even via support without losing my current subscription) so see, I want to spend more money and cant... even process of upgrading is not thought thru... 

Start listening to community already. We are imvu and without us.. you as a company would be long gone...

3 Votes


Davon posted 6 months ago

@oxPrincessLeighxo   Correct and The team is  going to start  playing around with the new environment to see how they can designate titles and such. Told staff about this yesterday when I first explored the new imvu help center forum  :p

0 Votes


oxPrincessLeighxo posted 6 months ago

even the @Davon is not working like it used to [@Davon] and then your title here ... 

0 Votes


Davon posted 6 months ago

@oxPrincessLeighxo , noticed that & I was told by Staff it says it'll connect you to a team member but there's no team member connected right now. not the greatest experience for users if they try it today -- the new forum / community center still in progress on this matters 

0 Votes


oxPrincessLeighxo posted 6 months ago

Hello @davon , submitting tickets and contacting customer service is not functional at this time.

0 Votes


Davon posted 6 months ago

Hi @oxprincessleighxo , This article explains on all you need to know about reporting:  http://im.vu/help774

How to connect imvu support:


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