Livechat wait time is either falsified or HIGHLY innacurate, been 40 minutes, when it says "Currently replying in under 2 minutes". This feature should not be included in any V.I.P tier payments, or shown as a perk, until a solution is found to the way livechat or "Chat with us" is now handled.
Livechat wait time is either falsified or HIGHLY innacurate, been 40 minutes, when it says "Currently replying in under 2 minutes". This feature should not be included in any V.I.P tier payments, or shown as a perk, until a solution is found to the way livechat or "Chat with us" is now handled.
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Screenshot 2....png
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3 Votes
Simon0103 posted 6 months ago
You was lucky... my 3 minuts is 1 hour and none reply to me... WAIT... WAIT.. WAIT... but pay much more for the new VIP :(
0 Votes
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