it's been like this since the beginning on desktop beta. i've tried talking to customer service about it, but all they've suggested was to clean our my devices or reinstall, and nothing has worked.
The only items that show up in my inventory search are the ones that are more recent. Everything older just doesn't show up, like my inventory is too big, the system can't reach that deep. And it's too many items for me to organize into folders myself. I seriously need help with this before y'all delete the classic for good. I'm trying my best to stop using classic.
thx- Dia
0 Votes
3 months ago
Hello DiamondBones thanks for the report I'll pass it over to the team on this matter's
it's been like this since the beginning on desktop beta. i've tried talking to customer service about it, but all they've suggested was to clean our my devices or reinstall, and nothing has worked.
The only items that show up in my inventory search are the ones that are more recent. Everything older just doesn't show up, like my inventory is too big, the system can't reach that deep. And it's too many items for me to organize into folders myself. I seriously need help with this before y'all delete the classic for good. I'm trying my best to stop using classic.
thx- Dia
0 Votes
Davon posted 3 months ago
Hello DiamondBones thanks for the report I'll pass it over to the team on this matter's
For now please contact customer support for the issue/problem you are having with IMVU.
1 Votes
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