Everytime I go in a chat room with a mash head or with someone with a different head they characters have turned white even some people said my character was white this is more of a recent bug but it's been going on for three days and even though I restarted my phone and the app sum people who don't get a normal head character turns white
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2 months ago
It has been going on for months . It does take long to resolve it .
Everytime I go in a chat room with a mash head or with someone with a different head they characters have turned white even some people said my character was white this is more of a recent bug but it's been going on for three days and even though I restarted my phone and the app sum people who don't get a normal head character turns white
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Ashleyellen posted 2 months ago
It has been going on for months . It does take long to resolve it .
1 Votes
Guest posted 2 months ago
It's been over a week and it's still happening
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Ashleyellen posted 2 months ago
hello, imvu is aware of it . It will take times to fix it to resolve it .
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