I made a DJ booth in Studio so I could put in normal and shiny mapping, but I found out there's a trigger in this booth with a sound attached to it. I'd like to remove it just so I can knock down the file size a smidge, as I find the trigger and sound useless.
I opened the derivable in Classic and I can easily remove the trigger, but when I open it in Studio, I can't. I also can't remove it from my creations. Why is that?
So my next thought would be to open my item in Classic, which I seemingly can do, remove the trigger, then resubmit...but now I wonder if I'll mess up something else. Any advice?
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7 months ago
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 22, 2022.
Okay. Yeah. I was able to find your PID and it gives me an error also. I will write this up as a bug. Sorry that took so long.
One more question:
How did you remove the trigger in Classic Client?
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “RickEros” on December 21, 2022.
No, this thing is fully published. It's not a draft. I'm talking about the DJ booth I'm having a problem with.
I just have a bad feeling that by opening an IMVU+ item in classic, editing, and submitting, I messed something up in terms of the database.
I go to the room the item is in, and it looks and works perfectly. I see that the shiny and normal maps are working. I just feel like by going to classic to get rid of that trigger, I messed something up in the data.
Thankfully this is a display only item I made for myself. I have another DJ booth I'm selling in my shop but I'm not touching it right now if this problem is going to happen.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 21, 2022.
Ah. I had a feeling you would be able to derive even though there is an error when you try editing. Yes, this is a completely new project and if you export you will be submitting a new PID. This was just an experiment. The next thing to try is to tick the 'Published' checkbox on the Home screen and see if you can 'Edit' the published product. I assume you have been having the error/issue with the 'Draft' version. Let me know what happens. Cheers.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “RickEros” on December 21, 2022.
@Drosselmeyer Interesting. I didn't have it set to derive, but it allowed me to open it as a new derivable.
I also put the Actions panel on to show that the trigger I was trying to remove is gone. However, this is obviously a derived new item and not my item. Correct?
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 21, 2022.
Hi @RickEros, would you please try an experiment for me and try deriving from it instead of opening it for edit? And let me know if the derive is successful. Thanks.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “RickEros” on December 21, 2022.
CASE #04961276
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “RickEros” on December 21, 2022.
@Drosselmeyer It passed peer, but I still can't open. I'm going to submit a support ticket.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “RickEros” on December 20, 2022.
Like I said, I'm sure eventually IMVU will work out these kinks.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on December 20, 2022.
Just throwing this in...
Used to, In Create Mode if we wanted to disable a Sound Trigger, we would change the Trigger to a <space> and it worked. Studio will not allow the Space as a Trigger :/
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “RickEros” on December 20, 2022.
I'm sure you guys will fix it. Like I said, I'll wait and see if the DJ booth can be opened in Studio again when it passes Peer. If I can't, then I'll put in a support ticket.
I know there's bugs and resources are limited, so if you guys need us to put in tickets or posts highlighting issues like that we can. Whatever we can do to help.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 20, 2022.
I was actually thinking for the PID you are getting the Unable to load error when you edit it in studio, try deriving from the same PID in Studio and see if you get the error. There are currently some differences between editing and deriving that we are in the process of sorting out and I have found that somethings that are broken when I edit work when I derive. I know this is not going to solve your issue, but it will help us understand more about the nature of the problem. Thanks!
I derived from this originally in IMVU Studio and put in my textures, opacity maps, normal maps, and shininess maps. Didn't know it had a trigger until someone pointed it out it had a trigger. I had wondered why it seemed bigger in file size before but figured it was the added normal maps and such....now I see there's an OGG file in there, so I wanted to eliminate the trigger so I could eliminate the file.
I went into Studio and found this when I tried to delete the trigger:
All the choices to do anything are disabled. I even pulled up to derive the original booth, and it's the same.
I have a booth I'm selling, but I have not touched it. All that's going on now is to a booth I made for myself and no one else. I can even pull that booth into a scene when I was looking at the other booth I'm selling, so it's not like the item is messed up.
I have a feeling what I did in classic screwed up the system IMVU has in place and thus the system is confused. I'm going to see what happens when it passes Peer again (I'll reach out to support if it seems to sit in peer for too long) and then see if I can open it. If I can, then I'll upload all my stuff again to make sure it's optimized and go from there.
Lesson learned. I will likely derive in classic and make my fixes there, upload, then download/edit in Studio to add in the IMVU+ things. Hopefully this is all fixed in the future, because it seems silly I can't edit this aspect in Studio but I can in Classic...and I don't believe this is some open door they forgot, more like a mistake they'll probably need to fix.
Maybe I should put in a support ticket to fix this?
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 19, 2022.
@RickEros Out of curiosity, if you derive from your PID do you get the same error?
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “RickEros” on December 19, 2022.
I took a chance and tried opening an IMVU+ item in Classic. I removed the trigger and submitted.
When I looked at it in my mobile app, it seems like the normal and shininess maps are fine, but I notice when I try to open the item in Studio, I get this error:
The item is a Display Only one I made for myself, so I'm not right now in panic. I am going to see what happens when it passes Peer and if I can open it then. From there I might add in the textures, opacity maps, normal maps, and shininess maps again and upload again.
I did all this because I thought eliminating the trigger would remove the sound and knock some KBs off my item, but oddly it's now 100kb bigger than it was. I'll keep an eye and see what happens. I can understand IMVU isn't ready to do sounds in Studio/Mobile/Beta, but it bugs me I can't even eliminate the trigger in Studio. Should be a no-brainer.
@jazzKat Usually in Classic I could just change/remove triggers I didn't want. On those dogs I made, I actually took the animation files and redid it all so there would be triggers on the actions, and on my "Male Avatar Remixed" and "Female Avatar Remixed" I had actually taken the basic IMVU avatar, removed the sequence of actions, and instead assigned them to triggers.
We had all this control in Classic, but seemingly not in Studio...and I want to assume it's just something they have not put resources on yet or something to make right.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on December 19, 2022.
Hey @RickEros You can fix the Sound & Trigger in the Classic. Afterward, pay very close attention to any Opacity Maps that may have been altered by Studio then re-entered in Classic. Also, Look closely at any Animated Mesh for Alterations. If you see something that cannot be fixed in Classic, Hide this one and make a new one.
Do not use Studio on any project with Sounds and possibly Particles at this time. Careful with Clothing and Opacities, too.
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Posted by “RickEros” on December 19, 2022.
[Archived]Here's my dilemma.
I made a DJ booth in Studio so I could put in normal and shiny mapping, but I found out there's a trigger in this booth with a sound attached to it. I'd like to remove it just so I can knock down the file size a smidge, as I find the trigger and sound useless.
I opened the derivable in Classic and I can easily remove the trigger, but when I open it in Studio, I can't. I also can't remove it from my creations. Why is that?
So my next thought would be to open my item in Classic, which I seemingly can do, remove the trigger, then resubmit...but now I wonder if I'll mess up something else. Any advice?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 22, 2022.
[Archived]Okay. Yeah. I was able to find your PID and it gives me an error also. I will write this up as a bug. Sorry that took so long.
One more question:
How did you remove the trigger in Classic Client?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 21, 2022.
[Archived]No, this thing is fully published. It's not a draft. I'm talking about the DJ booth I'm having a problem with.
I just have a bad feeling that by opening an IMVU+ item in classic, editing, and submitting, I messed something up in terms of the database.
I go to the room the item is in, and it looks and works perfectly. I see that the shiny and normal maps are working. I just feel like by going to classic to get rid of that trigger, I messed something up in the data.
Thankfully this is a display only item I made for myself. I have another DJ booth I'm selling in my shop but I'm not touching it right now if this problem is going to happen.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 21, 2022.
[Archived]Ah. I had a feeling you would be able to derive even though there is an error when you try editing. Yes, this is a completely new project and if you export you will be submitting a new PID. This was just an experiment. The next thing to try is to tick the 'Published' checkbox on the Home screen and see if you can 'Edit' the published product. I assume you have been having the error/issue with the 'Draft' version. Let me know what happens. Cheers.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 21, 2022.
[Archived]@Drosselmeyer Interesting. I didn't have it set to derive, but it allowed me to open it as a new derivable.
I also put the Actions panel on to show that the trigger I was trying to remove is gone. However, this is obviously a derived new item and not my item. Correct?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 21, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @RickEros, would you please try an experiment for me and try deriving from it instead of opening it for edit? And let me know if the derive is successful. Thanks.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 21, 2022.
[Archived]CASE #04961276
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 21, 2022.
[Archived]@Drosselmeyer It passed peer, but I still can't open. I'm going to submit a support ticket.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 20, 2022.
[Archived]Like I said, I'm sure eventually IMVU will work out these kinks.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on December 20, 2022.
[Archived]Just throwing this in...
Used to, In Create Mode if we wanted to disable a Sound Trigger, we would change the Trigger to a <space> and it worked. Studio will not allow the Space as a Trigger :/
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 20, 2022.
[Archived]I'm sure you guys will fix it. Like I said, I'll wait and see if the DJ booth can be opened in Studio again when it passes Peer. If I can't, then I'll put in a support ticket.
I know there's bugs and resources are limited, so if you guys need us to put in tickets or posts highlighting issues like that we can. Whatever we can do to help.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 20, 2022.
[Archived]I was actually thinking for the PID you are getting the Unable to load error when you edit it in studio, try deriving from the same PID in Studio and see if you get the error. There are currently some differences between editing and deriving that we are in the process of sorting out and I have found that somethings that are broken when I edit work when I derive. I know this is not going to solve your issue, but it will help us understand more about the nature of the problem. Thanks!
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 20, 2022.
[Archived]This is the original derivable.
I derived from this originally in IMVU Studio and put in my textures, opacity maps, normal maps, and shininess maps. Didn't know it had a trigger until someone pointed it out it had a trigger. I had wondered why it seemed bigger in file size before but figured it was the added normal maps and such....now I see there's an OGG file in there, so I wanted to eliminate the trigger so I could eliminate the file.
I went into Studio and found this when I tried to delete the trigger:
All the choices to do anything are disabled. I even pulled up to derive the original booth, and it's the same.
I have a booth I'm selling, but I have not touched it. All that's going on now is to a booth I made for myself and no one else. I can even pull that booth into a scene when I was looking at the other booth I'm selling, so it's not like the item is messed up.
I have a feeling what I did in classic screwed up the system IMVU has in place and thus the system is confused. I'm going to see what happens when it passes Peer again (I'll reach out to support if it seems to sit in peer for too long) and then see if I can open it. If I can, then I'll upload all my stuff again to make sure it's optimized and go from there.
Lesson learned. I will likely derive in classic and make my fixes there, upload, then download/edit in Studio to add in the IMVU+ things. Hopefully this is all fixed in the future, because it seems silly I can't edit this aspect in Studio but I can in Classic...and I don't believe this is some open door they forgot, more like a mistake they'll probably need to fix.
Maybe I should put in a support ticket to fix this?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 19, 2022.
[Archived]@RickEros Out of curiosity, if you derive from your PID do you get the same error?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 19, 2022.
[Archived]I took a chance and tried opening an IMVU+ item in Classic. I removed the trigger and submitted.
When I looked at it in my mobile app, it seems like the normal and shininess maps are fine, but I notice when I try to open the item in Studio, I get this error:
The item is a Display Only one I made for myself, so I'm not right now in panic. I am going to see what happens when it passes Peer and if I can open it then. From there I might add in the textures, opacity maps, normal maps, and shininess maps again and upload again.
I did all this because I thought eliminating the trigger would remove the sound and knock some KBs off my item, but oddly it's now 100kb bigger than it was. I'll keep an eye and see what happens. I can understand IMVU isn't ready to do sounds in Studio/Mobile/Beta, but it bugs me I can't even eliminate the trigger in Studio. Should be a no-brainer.
@jazzKat Usually in Classic I could just change/remove triggers I didn't want. On those dogs I made, I actually took the animation files and redid it all so there would be triggers on the actions, and on my "Male Avatar Remixed" and "Female Avatar Remixed" I had actually taken the basic IMVU avatar, removed the sequence of actions, and instead assigned them to triggers.
We had all this control in Classic, but seemingly not in Studio...and I want to assume it's just something they have not put resources on yet or something to make right.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on December 19, 2022.
[Archived]Hey @RickEros You can fix the Sound & Trigger in the Classic. Afterward, pay very close attention to any Opacity Maps that may have been altered by Studio then re-entered in Classic. Also, Look closely at any Animated Mesh for Alterations. If you see something that cannot be fixed in Classic, Hide this one and make a new one.
Do not use Studio on any project with Sounds and possibly Particles at this time. Careful with Clothing and Opacities, too.
0 Votes